terrible wise, that when теп were after in the houses, от in streets,

they were destroyed; there was а wonderful number destroyed in

all the country within 20 miles compass сате into the city and

castles, so did the all 1he suburbs, so all the houses and streets

were full (of) people, that теп could scarce до in them, and all

consumed in Иге, except certain теп of war, which were skirmi-

shing wi1h the Tartars and few others, which fled over the walls

into the river, where some were drowned and some saved; and in

few cellars and churches а great питЬет of them were roasted (о

death, as out of опе of the сотрапу cellars in the English house

died 30 persons thereof, З of thern cervants to Sir Thomas Веп-

tham, Thomas Fielde, John Warasleye, artifcers, Thomas Chafsne,

Thomas Carver, apothecary, with dyvers others died. Апа in the

next ceIlar, God preserved, Master Rowley, John Sparkes and Wil--

liam Glover. This cruel and sudden destruction саше ироп the

Moscovians in great and wonderful whirlwinds, and at the end it

was very calm again and fayre weather, that теп might walk and

see the dead bodies of теп and horses, по small number, besides

those, that were burned to powder. ртау God, I never (тау) see

the sight again. And the some day the Tartar dog had done this

mischief, the night following he• with all his power fled over the

river Оса, which.

distant from the Mosco 8 versts in З quar-

ters of ап English mile. The place, where [he Emperor liveth,

called Slobedale. The Crim, vassal to 1he Emperor, hath invaded

the best parte of the dominions. Eight hours after ту delivermend

out of Mosco, wherein 1 note God's good providence, the gates

of the town were shut ир; по тап suffered to pass out, and such

а candle light within 1 miles of Mosco, in опе of the Dukes houSes,

that it might be scene of all Mosco, being by estimation 20 miles

in compass, which aiso not long after was consumed with fire and

not опе stick. left. Ип опе house perished Thomas Bentham, Tho-

та Field, John Warasleye. Thomas Carver, apathecary,


with others strangers, all to the numbers of 25 persons died in our

house. The number, that perished at the destruction of Moscow,

was so дгеа[ by report, that will not пате it. This will say,

that all the country for 60 miles round от more to Moscow, that

8 теп in the town did not escape. Two monthes will scarce

sufice to free the city (which now is nothing, but walls and here