Два тайнонисныя сообщен1я Кейта Лорду гольдернесу и Англ[йскому

Послу ири Ирускомт. Двор1; Митчелю ло поводу удален\я и взят1я иодъ

стражу Канцлера Бестужева.


Отъ Кей та кт, Гольдернесу.

Petersbo,rg, 14 Магсћ, 1758.

The Empress of Russia is in perfect good heaIth. М. Bestu—

chefT, 1 he late Chancellor, is still under c10se confinement in his

own house, and 1here are frequent mee1ings 1here of the persons

employed 10 enquire into his affairs, but nohody сап ует determine,

what will be that unfortunate Minist.ers fat.e. though people in

general 1hink, li•om the known goodness of ihe Empress,


nothing violen1 will he done to his person.

His fall was cer1ainly owing 10 1he .joiI)t endeavours of the

lmperial and French Ambassadors, but 1he thing had been iong

contriving by his enemies at cour1, and (he immedia1e pretence Го

it was his having entered inlo some entrigues with the Grand

Dutchess and which it is supposed had been (liscovered in Мате-

shal Apraxin papers, that were seized at Narva and brough1 to

Petersbourg about а month адо, апа the afaer was pushed with

тоте vivacity, as it is pretended, ироп [he Frenc11 party's hearing

01 ту coming nearer this place, and what confirms this opinion

was Bestuchef being arrested оп the very day, that the accounts

arrived here of ту being соте to Riga.

But be that, as it Will, found at ту arriyal (he Frencll party

in possession the whole credit at cour1, and the .4wo Ambassadors,

Esterhazi and Marquis de l'Hopital, giving the law at both, court

and town. They have likewise got the Great Duke absolutely in

their hands, having in order there to alienated his afection from

the Grand Dukhess, who used great influence over him, апа it is

supposed, that опе Brocksdor-f has been 1he instrument of this chan-

Де, who ingratiated himself with his Imperial Highness, by епсои-

Addit. Mss. N. 6825. Mitchen Papers vol. ХХИ.