he would до directly to the Great and discovet• to him all,
tbat had passed, and join whith him to break his word оп.. ...
(дал•Ье нельзя разобрать),
that the Vice-Chancellor intimidated
by this тепасе, en(ered into the proposal, and he and his рат-
tisans at сои.•с set themselves at work immediately by private
ways 10 blacken Bestouchen• conduct (о (he Empress and to give
the jinishing stroke. The French Ambassador took tho opportu
ni1y of а court day, to соте ир to the Empress of Russia and af-
ter having kissed her Majesty's hand, pretending (о admire the stufT
of her gown, whisperd in her ear, that there was а person at
c,ourt very dangerous both with re.gBrd to her Majesty's governe-
ment and person, and that he thought himself obliged' in duty (о
tell her, that the Great Chancellor Bestouchef was the тап.
This alarmed the Empress and she having communicated the
maiter to her who had their сие before it was agreed
10 рие the Great Chancellor under arrest, which was done two days
Ву this the power of the French party at this court is esta-
blished and the French Ambassador has the Vice-Chancellor him-
self under the rod; the Chancellor Bestouchef bears his misfortune
with spirit and defies (he enemies (о prove апу thing of conse-
quence against him. The three persons appointed to iquire into
his conduct ате Prince Trubetskoy, Mareshal Boutourlin and Count
Alexander Shouwalof.
С .-петербуро, 30 Марта, 1758.
Дорогой Серъ!
Я им“Ью сообщить Вамъ, что здоровья
Императрицы удовлетворительно. Ниже раз-
я полагаю, есть в'1;рное того, каким•ь обра-
зомъ было устроено naxaeHie Государственнаео Канц.лера.
Когда зхЬсь было получено о моемъ въ
Варшаву, Посоль отп равился кь Вице-Канцлеру
и объявилъ ему, что времени терять нечего, и, въ этого,
настоятельно требовалљ, чтобъ Вице-Канцлеръ и его друзья упо-
требили всевозможпын средства для низверже\йя Графа Бесту-
жева, угрожая, вт. противном•ь случа%, если опи не согласятся
съ его отправиться ирлмо кь Государственному