seen in 1hat musician house by several persons, who remembered

her, when she was afterwards in Italy and who said, that she was

in her person and features very like Elizabeth. She received somew-

here а very good education and passed sorne years in Italy, princi-

рапу at Rome. It is said, that Princ Radziwill met her in Italy

and persuaded her (for she knew, who she was) to set herself ир

for а pretend to the throne of Russia. This report, whether true, от

false, was enough 10 he her ruin, and accordingly Alexis Orlof те-

ceived order, 10 try all possible means to get possession 0f her рег-

son. Accordingly ироп his return from the Archipelago, at the соп-

clusion of the реасе in the year 1775, he made aequaintance with

her at Leghorno, when she then was. Не paid her сате ve-

гу ass idiously, and she concluded he was in love with her. It is

reported, that he proposed [о marry her and to prevail ироп the

neet to rewolt and declare itself in her favour, as the sovereign of

Russia. Ву 1hat it тау be, he gained her donfidence, that she ас-

cepted ап invitation а board admiral Greig's ship, by which means

her person was secm•ed, and she was brought with the Beet to Ре-

tersbourg. spoke with ап English merchant of the factory, who

((rave11ed) in сотрапу, %ith her in board Admiral Greig's vessel, be-

fore it entered 1he harbour of Cronstadt. Не telg те, that the was

about twenty eight years of аде, that she had а very fair comple-

tion and in her person rather inclined [о be large; she was remar—

kably accomplished and agreable (spoking) Russian, Polish, French,

Ita1ian and Latin; was very unequal in her spirits, beTng at

time remarquabIy дау and at other fime serious and pensive. She

was at first reserved and had а great deal of dignity and even the

appearance of pride in her behaviour. She was called Princess and

treated as such, was attended by two Polish gentlemen and had se-

veral domestics. Upon her avrival at St.-Petersbourg, she was imme-

d iately sent into the fortress and emprisoned, where she died after

а fow months. Dureng her emprisonment опе of her Italien servants

was allowed (о attend her. Mister N. saw him after wards in

the streets, selling barometers and thermometers, and asked hitn

аЬоп[ his late mistress. She died of а cholic returned the fellow.

But every опе knows, what kind ог ch01ic, it was, that killed her.

have been told, (hat Alexis 0rlofT was very much shocked ироп

being made the instrumeut of her imprisonment and death.