sellor of State, Ivanof, who доед home as а messenger via
London, and will deliver this packet into your hands. Уои
will fnd him а gentleman of rare merit, and of distinguished
moral as well as intellectual worth. think be is dextined
for Smyrna, as soon as political events will admit of such ап
appointement; and hope he will obtain it, although consi-
(ler it rather below than оп а level with his deserts. have
[реп induced to send уои the «Report» 1) оп poisons, from
ту knowledge of the interest уои have always taken in this and
all other subjects connected with public charitable institutions.
Му own situation here is painfully distressing. А salary of
3.000 dollars is just as adequate to the necessary expenses
here as would be 3.000 рарет roubles in St.-Petersburg, the
relative value of топеу, and the consequent high numerical
price of commodities, that of 5 to I betwen New-York
and оит imperial city. Му outfts were actually expended оп
the long voyage, where, besides providing for the wonts of а
whole family, had yet to contend wit,h painful, nearly fatal
sickness, which overtook те at kiew оп ту way from Char-
kow to Dantzik. was thus compelled to contract debts in
order to до into housekeeping, every other mode of living
being attended with the enormous expense of 63 dollars, от
315 roubles рет week, and neither convenient for а family,
пот consistend with the usages and decencies of the place.
Should ту repeated applications for the payement of these debts,
as well as for а suitable increase of salary, be rejected оп
the part of government, сап not disguise from myself the
melancholy certainty of being dragged to jail, and of seeing
all ту personal efects brought to the hammer at а public
auction, for the benefit of the creditors.
(1815). Въ Америк•в онъ, въ качествъ консула. посвятилъ свое время
исключительно на paaMcHeHie промышленныхъ и торговыхъ вопро-
совъ, какъ то видно изъ частныхъ писемъ его кь Н. С. Мордвинову.
1) The report will be sent by another direct opportunity, it being
found inconvenient to let it до through England.