at with а fnger of triumph and exaltation, but this too is а
тете coinage of the brain at опсе deceptive and pernicious: de-
ceptive, because the quantity of falls greatly below
the amount that would have been by the same пиш-
Ьет of hands, if separately employed оп their own individual
account; and pernicious, lkause its collective form and the
superior power presiding over it, сап not but lead to а шо-
noply of the market, highly oppressive to the small farmers,
rnrticularly in the government contracts, as has already been
seen, felt and proved.
То sum ир all, the most subtte foe of the sovereign's
rights, the master-spirit of conspiracy against both, could not
summon to his aid а тоте ef6cient instrument than the «Colo-
nial Administration», which is in itself а new, distinct, self
acting despotism, of dangerous tendency and incompatible with
tbat undisturbed march and uninterrupted unity of supreme
power, which render unlimited monarchy so bene6cial and
ind*nsable to the vastness of the Russian Empire. What тау
this despotism do, after it shall have Ьнп deeply in
the heart and strongly ramified throuetl all the veins and ar-
teries of the body politic, тау perhaps be judged from the
triHing circumstance that already does the chief of the Do-
netz-Colonies arrogate to himself t.he power to stop all ри-
blic post-travelling, by ordering at his conveniency to have
all the posthorses in the different post establishments to be
exclusively kept for his accomodation, that is against the day
от days, оп which, weather it тау be his supreme
р1еыи•е to indulge а little in locomotion. This is а fact wit-
hin ту own knowlege. If had not anticipated by опе day
his mightiness general klaymichael's [Клейнмихель] orders,
I should have been stopped and detained оп the road, although
travelling оп official duty, and with а passport from the
highest authority of the state; because по postmaster would
have dared to disobey the authority so strangely assumed!
Such, then, is this unnatural colonial svstem! Such the