tives, governed by а sense of honor, and supported by the по-
blest of emulations. It was а sacrilege to permit the rough
touch of innavation to deface what admitted of по change
but for the worse. It was а needless degradation to sink the
far famed warriors in the unHedged recruits. It was madness
to pull down perfection already attained, in order that the
possibility 0f attaining it тау be tested by а new experiment.
It was а gratuitous, unheard of outrage to invade а long-res-
pected sanctuary, to apply the ахе to а long-cherished heritage
of smiling vineyards and happy tenements, to level with the
dust а paradise, and trample under foot all justice and huma-
nity, in order to plant• оп the melancholy ruins а mathemati-
cal line of strawthatched and long built huts, the renewal 0f
whose clay bedaubed exterior after each rain, forms the prin-
cipal employement of the unfortunate females drawn within
the vortex of colonial jurisdiction. There was room and space
enough оп the river below for twenty such colonies, but the
fell «Artefcer of ill» was envious of this Eden; and its de-
molition wa.s forthwith resolved ироп and executed with а
hand as rewarseless. as unsparing!
The indignant elders remonstrated, pleaded their right and
immunities, leaved оп the priveleges granted them of уоте by
the great enlightened son of Michael, and securely enjoyed by
them through each succeeding reign. They ofered their sons,
their own war worn frames, their all, to the service of theiT
country—but in vain! The fend in humau shape, abusing the
powers delegated to him, turned а deaf еат to their prayers.
converted their loyal remonstrances into rebellion and treason.
insidiously drew around them ап iron wall of bayonets, that
shouid have been used only against ап епету, and then, vul-
tur-like, sure of his prey he tore their Hanks by the
ignominious infiction and protracted torture of the gaunt-
let, untill all sense and feeling had Hed with life. It а
heart-rending scene! The veterans, bleached with the snow 0f
fourscore winters, decorated with the cross 0f St.-George and