
а collection 0f exotics pining under the heated д— and feebly

vegetating within the artifcial inclossures!

It is likewise self-evident, that so тапу hand$, transfeM,

from tho useful and healthy labour of the plough, to the for-

c«l, and, to say the leLSt, premature training of arms, must

not only cause а great waste of time, which is national

woalth and ап important object of public есопоту, but the

goneral itself, thus weakened and reduced, must be les

ablo at the end to satisfy the exigencies of the state, beca&.

instead of being relieved, in turn, by the colonists withdrawn

it will be crippled by а dead los of so much life

from it,

vigour. thrown away ап unproductive pursuits, idle рата-

des. habits inilnical to industry. dissolution of kindred tie;

stimulating to virtue, and all the stinting efects of false pride

nnd eau•Iy mstrnint оп the mind. the heart, and every *k.ial

antl ntoral principle песехчагу to the condition of а rational


Moreover. it is the purse of the lwople from which the

is repleinshed. the enormous expense 0f the


eolonial estal»lislnnent rnust nece-sarily snbject them to contri-

hutions in the inver•se ratio of their means. so that the

.чп«1 to accumulate. the тоге will

at» able to

of thent: while the demands made them at

hy the the system. the опе imoerishing


th.' other. witl with their diminishing capacity

ef either. Thus the treasurv it*lf.

to stl*tain


as а frst-rate full grown sol-

ebt* .

('.l ои!•.- nur•sliags and inferior sutMi-


at the n•tt•, оп а fair calculation, if so

s will found to

pvoporttea sz.-ea:'.l of wavs and means

ef time. топеу and

the sul»rior colo-

— azuple 6eld is pinted