and continued operation. Suficient light and unerring data тау
be easily obtained to form а correct judgment оп the frst
point; and, as regards the second, а host of witnesses and
ample testimony are only kept back by fear and brokem spirit.
Honoured Sir, let this be the glorious work of your hands.
So great а destiny is not • reserved for the k-tch-bs от other
powerful but recreant sons of Russia, who repose оп а down
of oblivion, and ате not reminH of their country even by
ап occasional visitation of bodily pain.
Мау 10
Р. S.—The cast iron pipes which were intended as sub-
stitutes for the boiler, and which I spoke to M-r Vsevolotzky,
have been found unable to stand the continous action of fre,
for ivant of water within, and consequently are laid aside.
Бентамъ 1) Мордвинову.
It gave те very great pleasure te learn by your la.st letter
that уои seem to be still in а situation where уоит zeal talents
and patriotism тау enable уои to continue to render the most
important services to your country, а country in the prospe-
rity of which must continue to take the most lively interest.
Distressing and vexations as it тау be to уои to witness the
injustice and consequent misery which must arise from the
imperfect administration of the laws however good in principle,
hope уои will not relax in your endeavours to bring about
that reform in уоиг judiciary establishment by which alone
your Emperor, however anxious he тау be to cause justice to
1) Bentham, Samuel, брать знаменитаго онъ
долго жиль въ Крыму, у Мордвинова, въ Екатерины П.
и нааываетъ Мордвинова своимъ старымъ другомъ (old friend).