be administered, cannot assured that his best intentions
ате fulflled.
When деп. Sabloukof сате here а year от two адо, he
brought with him а great collection of Russian law and
being at а loss where to deposit them, we induced him to
lqve them some time with us in hopes that ту son, who. ha-
ving inherited а great attachment lto your country, has kept
ир а suffcient knowledge of its language, might proft by this
opportunity of acquiring some idea of уоит laws and of the
mode of administering them. The consequence has been that
general Sabloukof, having represented to ту son the great
need of ап entire reform of your judiciary establishment and
having assured him 0f the Emperor's earnest wishes to
efect it, prevailed оп ту son to ofer his ideas оп the
subject; so that at the time when lueived your last letter
he was actualy occupied in drawing ир а paper, which I
have по doubt оит friend деп. Sabloukof will submit to
your judgment before he ofers it to the Emperor. Should
His Majesty ofter having perused this paper express а
desire 0f receiving апу continuence of the subject from ту
son, there сап be по doubt of the earnestness of ту son's
exertions to conform to апу instructions he тау recive either
from уои от from деп. Sabloukof.
In regard to our joint estate in the Crimea as уои seem
to have the same' confdence in the •friendly disposition 0f
count Worontzof that I have, wo have every rea.son to
e.xpect that the devision will be made to оит satisfaction.
Му brother was rnuch Hathered by the part of your letter
which related to him. Не seems as actiye as ever in his риг-
suits, but as mine are so diferent from his and he is so
entirely devoted to the making the most of the short time he
сап expect to live, see very little of him; ту son is a.s
much with him as his professional occupations will admit 0f
and passes regularly the greatest part of two days of tlle
weck with hirn. This letter is ah•eady so long that 1 тим