have lately sent to His Imperial Majesty, through count
Nesselrode, а memorial оп «the advantages of building herp
war-vessels оп government account, in the таппет of Атет.
live оаК national ships»; and should this project furnish ап
opportunity for appointing те а commissioner of the navy,
with ап extrg salary, as was опсе contemplated. feel assured
that ту honored patron will not neglect to use it to ту
Deeply, however, as I feel ту own suferings, сап not
as а true son of Rus.sia, be Silent оп those of ту country
and I таке them the subject of this letter, because уоит
well-tried patriotism, of the credit of which your bitterest
enemies сап not rob уои, assures те beforeband of а corres-
ponding syrnpathy, and has already, if mist.ake not been ехег-
ted to relieve them.
Му noble benefactor will easily perceive that ат speaking
of the principal «military colonia» located along the Do-
netz, in the heart of the Ukraine proper, and near the place
of ту nativity, where still live ту remaining relatives, whom.
after ап absence of 30 years, was permitted to visit оп
ту way to Arnerica. After а residence of three weeks in the
vicinity of those colonies subjected to personal observation,
hesitate not to pronounce them а great positive,
national curse, а mortal disease which admits of по other
rellledy but the speedy application of the operator's knife, by
the hand of our magnanimous, wise, and justly beloved monarch.
The breath of this pestilence has допе over the land of јоу
and beauty, and all is blasted within its reach! America at every
footstep of time displays а new grace and new riches. The
states in Europe, which I revisited after ап interval of years.
those even where the riot of wars has done its worstbear vi-
sible signs of improvement; but in the Ukraine, the land over-
Howing mith «milk апа boney», the fruitful bosom that sup-
pleid nourishment to the whole Empire, the telescope of а
Hershel сап scarcely discover тоте than а few faint traces 0f