died about this time, and koutouzof was appointed
his successor.
Though our forces оп the Danube were much dimin-
ished by the march of 4 divisions into Poland, he
resolved not to remain inactive, but to до forward and
meet the new grand-vizier Achmet-Pacha, who was
marching from Schoumla towards Roustchouk. Не knew
ту ardent wish not to rernain in inactivity in Poland,
if anything should be going оп elsewhere and was
accordingly good enough to send те ап estafette with
ап order to join the army at Djourdja, where I arrived
оп the 17-th 0f Јипе. I was. appointed to the command
0f а brigade in the advanced guard; we passed the
Danube оп the 19-th, and оп the 22-nd we were atta-
cked by the grand-vizier and the whole of hiS forces.
We beat him от completely; but as it was notjudged
prudent at that time to remain оп the right bank of
the Danube, we repassed that river оп the 26-th and
encamped in and about Djourdja.
Му brigade remained in the rear-guard, and cover-
ed the retreat.
Soon after serious operations began in Small Walla-
chia, and Ismail-Bey of Macedonia, father to Yous-
souf Pasha, subsequently taken at Varna in the year
1828, having passed the Danube with а chosen body
of troops, with the intention of occupying Crai-
ova, the capital of Small Wallachia, I was sent with а
regiment 0f infantry to the support of general Zass,
who commanded in that province.
This was а very active campaign, for we had to do
'•,vith а strong and enterprising епету; several епда-