The loss 0f the French was also frightful; опе тау
say that 4b-ths of the battle took place оп оит left flank,
and though in the result we were unable to Кеер that
position, the French had lost too much to retain during
the night what they had gained during the day.
do not теап here to give апу more details 0f this
battle, which has по parallel in modern history. 0ur
loss in killed and wounded was about 30 generals,
1.0 oficers, and 42.0 теп.
The French loss, as saw myself in the reports ta-
Кеп at Wilna in marshal Bertier's papers, was по less
than 40 generals, 1800 oftcers and about 52.0 теп.
Му wound was dressed оп the feld, the bullet ех-
tracted, and for the frst З or 4 versts was trans-
ported in а little peasant's carriage, of which опе wheel
was knocked of by а саппоп ball, and we тапа-
ged to до оп ироп the remaining three.
thus managed to reach ту own calash which
was with the baggage of the army, and there I very
soon saw а great number of generals and 0fEcers,
more or less severely wounded, some of them ту
intimate friends.
lt was there saw for the last time lieut.-general
TouchkofT and ту brave chief, prince Bagration, '•,vho
both soon after died of their wounds. These two теп
had been in their early life companions in arnts, af1er-
',vards rivals, and at length cnemies; they had saluted
опе another coolly the very day befOre the battle, and
then met again in this place to meet soon after in