gements took place оп the left bank 0f the Danube,

the most important 0f which was оп the '7-th of Sep-

tember near kalafat. Later in the season was deta-

ched twice to the right ba,nk of (he river. at fn•st near

Widdin, where 1 had ап engagement with the Turks,

for which I received the 3-d class of S-t George; and

was sent а, second time to the rear of the Turkish

army. оп which occasion Ј_ had а trifling engagement

wit,h them пеат the village of Wassilewzy. As Ismail.

Веу had по тоте hopes of success in Small Wallachia,

he abandoned what hold he had оп the left bank of

the Danube: and leaving Widdin to defend itself те-

treated partly by Wassilewizy into his winter-quar-

ters in Albania.

Wo were not strong enough to besiege Widdin. but

in the meanwhile the grand-vizier, who had been

beaten by general koutouzof near Roustchouk, had

concluded ап armistice, during which negociations

were to take place so that was left in ту position

in the rear 0f Widdin.

The negociations did not end .in реасе as it was

hoped, but all that remained of the grand-vizier's army

surrendered as prisoners of war. I received orders to

repass the Danube оп the 2-nd of December, and we

iall went into winter-quarters.

Besides the 3-rd class of St. George and а sword

ornamented with diamonds, I received for this сатра-

дп t.he order 0f St. Wladimir of the 2-nd class. It

was during this campaign that I became acquainted

and served with general count 0'Rourcke, who сот-

manded ту cavalry оп the right bank of the. Danube.

It was later also ту good fortune to serve а good