manding the 26-th division, very much distinguished
himself. Му division was left to cover the retreat,
but the French did not follow. It is useless to enter
into 0theT details of this memorabhe campaign.
When we took ир our position at Borodino, I was
appointed to support our left flank, where we had а
very serious engagement оп the 24-th of August. The
troops that were оп the 1-st line having sufered very
much, ту division took their place, and оп the following
day, preparatory to the great battle, received orders
to оссиру and defend three fleches, which were соп-
structed to cover our left flank, the weaker part 0f
our line.
Оп the 26-th early began the battle or rather
the butchery of Borodino. The whole of the French
force was directed against our left flank, consequent-
ly оп the fleches (defended by ту division); тоте
than а hundred pieces of artillery played some time
ироп us, and the greatest part of the best French in-
fantry, under marshals Davoust and Ney, marched
straight ироп us. 0ur fleches were stormed after а
stout resistance, were retaken by us, stormed again
by the French, retaken опс.е more: and were at last
soon lost again, from the overpowering force ет-
ployed_against them. was wounded by а musket ball
in the thigh, as we were in the act 0f retaking the
neches the flrst time, ту brave division was entirely
destroyed, and out of nearly 5.000 теп, not тоте than
about О, with опе fteld oflcer of the пате of
remained untouched от slightly wounded; 4 or
5 of our divisions met with very nearly the same fatg
оп the same ground.