Ея Императорскаго Величествг въ полуденный край

СПб. 1786.

Стр. 75—76. по близости отъ развалинъ сего города (Херсонеса)

выдается въ море мысъ, изв%стный въ древности подъ именемъ Парен1она,

изъ и утесистыя горы, на коемъ быль нвкогда храмъ

и статуя а нын•Ь тутъ находится малый монастырь

Св. Съ верху сея горы кь морю по крутому ея утесу выс%чена

въ камняхъ узенькая тропинка, ведущая ко вратамъ пустынки, сд%ланныя

на узкомъ уступ% сея висящ1я надъ моремъ крутизны. Уступъ шириною

не 60ЈЊе З, а въ длину сажень на 15; на немъ построено н%сколько

келей, а посредин% ихъ выс%чена въ гор% церьковь, черезъ цвери и два

окошка съ вн%шной стороны осв%щенная.

Worsley, Sir Richard. Museum Worsleyanum or а collection of antlque Ваз-

sorelievos Bustos, Statues and Gems, with views 0f Places 1n the Levant, taken

оп the spot ln the years 1785-6-7. London 1894.

View of the Саре and monastery 0f St. George.

View of the Саре and monastery of St. George, built оп the ruins of

the Тетр)е of Diana Taurica, sltuated оп the south-west coast об the Crlmea,

dlstant about three hundred and fify mlles from Constantinople. The тоип-

tains between Саре St. George and Balaclava, аге composed of а compact

calcareus stone, shining in the interior: they are perpendicular оп the slde

towards the sea, and in parts undermined at the bases; ln others, they appear

to have sufered some vlolent shocks. Immense pieces of the rock have rolled

from the top into the sea where they are seen lying along the shore; they

present likewise beds of the same rock perpendlcular, and there are evident

marks of subtecraneous fire. Almost every where оп the sur face ls to be

seen clay of о reddish colour, and the stones appear to abound whlt lront

1п some of the crevices of the rocks are found cubic chrystals of half trans-

parent spath, and some of а half hexagon shape. [п some places ls also to

be met with а calcareous stone dividing like states, of а grey colour mixed

with white, but попе of these stones inclose petrlfactions; but shells are found

ln the cliffs of ап argillaceous substance, even to the summits of the тоип-


Видь мыса и монастыря Св. (Въ 1786 году).

Видь мыса и монастыря Св. Георг[я, построеннаго на развалинахъ

храма Таврической, находящагося на юго-западн. берегу Крыма, въ

разстоян1и около трехсотъ пятидесяти миль отъ Константинополя. Горы