По уожде" глубоко изучившаго ли-
тературу ХУП стлттйя г. Бойля лишь у Джоржа
Уилькинса замгЬчается постоянная склонность такъ же
обходиться съ относительными словами, вакъ съ
ними обходится авторъ перведеннаго нами „Путеше
Возьмемъ изъ того и другого по два, по
три приМра. Такъ, въ прозаическомъ „ПериклТ"
Уилькинса мы встрЬчаемъ:
. nothing heere is sure
(which) 1) тау breede displeasure to anie“ я); „for
in that part of the world there was in those dayes по
prince so noble in armes, от excellent in artes and
(who) had so generall and deserued а report by fame" 8);
„as if that glorious outsides were а wall (that) would
Кеере heauens еуе й•от knowing our intentsg 4)•
ning their faces blasted, and their such а соп-
temptfull obiect оп the earth, that all those eyes (that)
but now with reuerence looked ироп them, all hands
(that) serued them, and all kn6es (that) adored them“ ь).
Совершенно одинаково у нашего анонима: „neither did
he hold it princelike, to receiue й•от his enemie in
that kinde, especially by their hands (who) could not
shew their face without blushing to their comaunding
Lord“ 5);
they could not resist the multitude there
1) Въ свобкахъ мы ставимъ опущенныя авторомъ, но грамматически
необходимыя слова.
3) Pericles Prince of Туте. Edit. Туйо Моттзеп. (Epistle), рад. 4.
3) Тамъ-же (П chapter), рад. 15.
4) и 5) Тамь же (V chapter), 33.
ь) Sir. Th. Smythes Voiage etc., рад. 32.