въ россш въ ХИП столтш до 1782 ГОДА.


мни, или дрожать въ темной. ВСТ

тавовыа пугалища и въ р±чахъ упо-

треблать не нанежить (стр. 217).

Учтивость много зависитъ отъ лов-

воети и благопристойности, вотораа

замывается и соединаетс,а во взглядв,

голой, словахъ, поетупМ,

чедовВва, почему

съ нимъ обходиться, и 06x0MeHieMb

Амь онъ дЫетъ то, что имъ

довольны (стр. 218—219).

Четыре вещи суть совершенно

противны учтивости:

1. Природная грубость та, БОТО-

рая безъ въ другимъ

люднмъ не смотритъ ни на СЕЛОВ-

ноети, ни на ни на состоа-

Hie чедойка. Неучтивый человткъ

не смотрптъ на то, что друтимъ,

воторые съ нимъ, нравитс.а иди не


than in broad sun-shine; they would

in their turns as much welcome the

опе for sleep, as the other to play in:

there should be по distinction made

to them, by апу discourse, of more

danger, от terrible things in the опе

than the other. But, if the folly of апу

опе about them should do them this

harm, and таке them think there is

апу diference between being in the

dark and winking, уои must get it

out of their minds as soon as уои сап

(стр. 118).

From the опе, теп are called civil;

from the other, well-fashioned. The

latter of these is that deeency and

gracefulness of looks, voice, words,

motions, gestures, and of all the whole

outward demeanour, which takes in

сотрапу, and makes those with whom

we тау eonverse, easy and well-plea-

sed (стр. 121).

shall take notice of four qualities

that аге most directly opposite to this

frst and most taking of all the social

virtues. And from some опе of these

four it is, that incivility commonly

has its rise. shall set them down,

that children тау be preserved от

recovered from their ill inHuence.

1. The frst is, а naturel roughness,

which makes а тап uncomplaisant to

others, so that he has по deference

for their inclinations, tempers, or соп-

ditions. It is the sure badge of а

clown, not to mind what pleases от

displeases those he is with; and yet опе

тау often fnd а тап, in fashionable

clothes, give ап unbounded swing to