въ россш въ столищ до 1782 ГОДА.


чему учииса и во скольКо времени?

и обходиться съ нимъ похолодн±е

на то врема, гроза отнать у него

вниги, учитехей и дабы по-

напрасну не терать врема и досугъ

учителей на его HacraueHie, и что

его оставать съ однгЬми игрушвамп;

и въ самомъ заставить его

играть по утру и ввечеру въ уре-

ченный часъ; и въ то врема за нимъ

смотртть, чтобъ заподлинно играль

до ттхъ поръ, пока игры насвучатъ

ему, и самъ проситьса будетъ учитьса

(стр. 246—247).

Стараться узнать главную сион-

ность Мниваго, и, узнавъ, ее упо-

требить въ пользу. Буде любить по-

хвалы, иди играть, или наряды, или

опасается боли, иди гн•Ьва, и т±мъ

разбудить отъ сна Мности иди не-

parhHia. Буде п cie не усп±ло, тогда

предпринимать съ нимъ накую ни

есть работу въ уреченные часы,

day about his business?D And if he

has not done it, in the time he might

be well supposed to have dispatched

it, expose and turn him into ridicule

for it; but mix по chiding, only put

оп а pretty cold brow towards him,

and Кеер it till he reform; and let

his mother, tutor, and all about him,

do so too. If this work not the efect

уои desire, then tell him, «he shall be

«по longer troubled with а tutor to

«take сате of his education: уои will

«not be at the charge to have him

«spend his time idly with him: but

«since he prefers this от that (whate-

«ver play he delights in) to his book,

«that only he shall do»; and so in ear-

nest set him to work оп his beloved

play, and Кеер him steadily, and in

earnest to it, morning and afternoon,

till he be fully surfeited, and would

at апу rate, ehange it for some hours

at his book again: but when уои thus

set him his task 0f play, уои must

be sure to look after him yourself, от

set somebody else to do it, that тау

constantly see him employed in it,

and that he be not permitted to be

idle at that too. say, yourself look

after him (стр. 107—108).

Inform yourself, what it is he is

most pleased with; and if уои сап fnd

апу particular tendency his mind hath,

increase it all уои сап, and таке use

of that to set him оп work, and to

excite his industry. If he loves praise,

от play, or fnes clothes, etc., от, оп

the other side, dreads pain, disgrace,

or your displeasure, etc., whatever