и о томъ, что прощено, уже не упо-
минать (стр. 240).
Полезно будетъ д%таиъ вдругъ не
давать бойе одной вещи, и отда
захотатъ имгћть другую, тогда от-
бирать первую. посМ семи Втъ буде
захотятъ новыхъ итрушевъ, то иусвай
сами- схЬають, или помотаютъ
хать (стр. 244).
Буде приставники прим±тытъ ино-
гда въ котороиъ изъ воспитанниковъ
во всему, неохоту или
npeHe6pezeHie кь иди упра-
тогда смотр%ть, тавовъ
во всему, и въ игрђ, или только въ
если же въ одному
безъ охоты, а въ итрт живъ, движимъ
ц продолжителенъ въ своихъ нам%-
peHiaxb и не живъ, и HenpruezaHie
въ учетю происходить отъ одной
неохоты, тогда можно ему съ добро-
желательствомъ тихо и безъ Ифни
говорить: воЛиНо здравому разсудку
противно терать время на безд%-
душки тогда, когда мотъ оное упо-
требить съ пользою и что посл±
малаго труда сама забава ему бу-
деть npiRTHie. Буде cie не поможетъ,
тогда стыдить, обращаа въ смВхъ
ЛТнь и EepaxhHie, испрашивая у
нето безъ людей, но почаще, СЕОЛЬЕО
времени употребил онъ на
уои never so much as reproach him
with it, or mention it to him again
(стр. 114).
Play-things, think, ehildren should
have, and of divers sorts; but still to
be in the custody of their tutors, or
somebody else, whereof the child
should have in his power but опе at
опсе, and should not be sufered to
have another, but when he restored
that.... How then shall they have the
play-games уои allow them, if попе
must be bought for them? answer,
they should таке them themselves,
от at least endeavourit, and set them-
selves about it (стр. 112).
If уои are satisfed, by his ear-
nestness at play, от апу thing else he
sets his mind оп, in the intervals bet-
ween his hours of business, that he
is not of himself inclined to laziness,
but that only want of relish of his
book makes him negligent and sluggish
in his application to it; the fFst step
is to try, by talking to him kindly of
the folly and inconveniente of it,
whereby he loses а good part of his
time, which he might have for his
diversion: but be sure to talk calmly
and kindly, and not much at frst, but
only these plain reasons in short. If
this prevails, уои have gained the
point in the most desirable way, which
is that of reason and kindness. Ifthis
softer application prevails not, try to
shame him out of it, by laughing at
him for it, asking every day, when
he comes to table, if there be по
strangers there, «how long he was that