Не допускать Ихъ Высочества до

того, чтобъ мучили ни убивали не-

винныхъ животныхъ, кавъ то: птицъ,

бабочевъ, мухъ, собакъ, вошекъ, пл

иное подобное, иди портили что умы-

шенно (стр. 214).

Буде вто изъ нихъ соджетъ, то

первый разъ оказать о томъ удивле-

Hie, кань о поступк± странномъ, не-

ожиданномъ, неслыханномъ и непри-

личномъ. Буде же найденъ бу-

деть во ли, то чинить ему выговорь

п смочАть на него и обходиться

съ нимъ холодно и съ презрЫемъ

вс±мъ т%мъ, вои о томъ знаютъ. Буде,

паче не уйметса, то почесть

ложь за упрямство; упрямство же

влечетъ за собою HaEuaHie (стр. 215).

Отдаить надлежить отъ глазъ и

слуха въ младенчествгћ и отъ отро-

новь въ первые годы все то, что

мысли устращать можетъ, вань то:

пугалища, душу и умъ уй-

, которыми обывповенно

джей стращаютъ, и отъ вопхъ ХЬ-

лаются они робки, такъ что не мо-

гутъ остаться одни, боятся своей

Опе thing have frequently observed

in children, that, when they have got

possession of апу poor creature, they

ате apt to use it ill; they often tor-

ment and 'treat very roughly уоппд

birds, butterHies, and such other •poor

animals, which fall into their hands,

and that with а seeming kind of plea-

sure. This, think, should be watched

in them; and if they incline to апу

stch cruelty, they should be taught

the contrary usage (стр. 100).

When he is frst found in а lie, от

апу ill-natured trick, the frst remedy

should be to talk to him of it as а

strange monstruous matter, that it

could not be imagined he would have

done, and до shame him out of it

(стр. 64). If that keeps him not from

relapsing, the next time he must be

sharply rebuked, and fall into the state

of great displeasure of his father and

mother, and all about him, who take

notice of it. And if this way work not

the сите, уои must соте to blows; for,

after he has been thus warned, а pre-

meditated lie must always be looked

ироп as obstinacy, and never be рет-

mitted to escape unpunished (стр.


The first step to get this noble and

manly steadiness, is, what have above

mentioned, carefully to Кеер children

from frights of all kinds, when they

are уоипд. Let not апу fearful ар-

prehensions be talked into them, пот

terrible objects surprise them (стр.

96). If children were let alone, they

would be по тоте afraid in the dark,