he had по doubt of that event having taken place. I enquired res-

pecting the retreat of the French troops from Germany: he ап-

swered that three days before Mr. Talleyrand had informed him от-

cially that «les troupes frangaises repivent l'ordre de se retirer». Ву

other channels I learned the arrival some days before of Mr. Rufm

the French vice-consul at St.-Petersburg and ат since informed, that

Mr. d'Oubril is now at Strasburg, and have much reason to think, that

somebody has been sent to treat with him there in order to pre-

vent апу communication between him and те.

haye joined ап abstract as full and as accurate as I have been

able of what passed at tW0 very long interviews I have had with

Mr. Talleyrand, leaving out after the frst ту answers which trust

were conformable to your instructions and therefore not worth те-

peating, seeing the extreme length to which it would lead те.

I conceive Sicily to be the great diTculty though perhaps were

there по other, it might be got over. Mr. Talleyrand often and se-

riously stated the absolute determination of the Emperor not to consent

to our demands of Naples, Venice, Istria and Dalmatia от to alienate

апу part of his Italian States to form а provision for the king of


From cessions in the West-Indies or elsewhere I solemnly protested,

nor do I think they care sufciently about these objects to give апу

continental suflcient equivalent for them.

Mr. Wilbraham, to whom Mr. Talleyrand readily gave the necessary

is the bearer of this packet. With regard to the other


English required, Mr. Talleyrand readily admitted the great balance

existing in our favour and said, he would immediately take the Етре-

ror's orders about those whose names I delivered to him by your

desire. I have as yet had по answer about general Abercromby.

Mr. Talleyrand often repeated that the Emperor had enquired whether

I had апу powers adding «qu'en politique оп пе peut parler la тёте

« langue si оп п'у est 6galement autoris6» and as frequently said, that

they considered that Hanover for the honour of the Crown, Malta