felt more and тоте its absolute necessity to таке Naples and

thc neighbouring territbries tenable. That had апу confdential

overture been made three months аоо, they would have been

ready to settle thc question of Naples in the manner most satis-

factory to Great Britain; the same а month later with regard to

HolIand. These subjects were now arranged and the Emperor would

consider апу retrograde measure as equivalent to abdication. I observed

to that Minister that however much good faith тау be necessary in

every transaction of the world, yet that being more peculiarly so

whcn а communication is made secretly and verbally. I had а right

to be doubly surprised at апу change of ground. Не defendcd himself

by his former argument •about altered circumstances and said . that,

when по change of disposition was manifested towards Great Britain

herself as to the restoration of Hanover or the possession of Malta

and the Саре, he thought wc might sufer them to possess themselves.

of а part of the states of their епету necessary to the tenure of the

rcst, which по consideration would now induce France to restorc.

Mr. TalIeyrand then asked whether I had апу powers. I told him

that must decline answering that question till hc should inform те,

that there would be по further discussion about Sicily, but that he

might easily draw а conclusion that I had, from the honourable manner

in which Great Britain endeavoured to remove every obstacle not in

its own nature insurmountable.

The minister then mentioned his being obliged to до to St-Cloud

and asked what I said «that Lord Yarmouth was ordered to continue

« по conversation till „he should be informcd that this new demand,

« changing entirely the proposcd basis, should be urged по тоте ».

Не appointed next morning for те to receive ап answer.

accordingly returned to the отсе yesterday morning when

Mr. Talleyrand repeated the same demand ofering to desist from the

recognition by Great Britain of апу or alI the new states, waving this

concession to the honour of the Powers created by France and settling

Hanover against Sicily; and pleading that по such recognition being