It does not appear that there has been апу conversation between

Your Lordship and Mr. Talleyrand оп а point, which was mentioned

to уои and which appears to be of considerable importance. тсап

the future admission of Russia and Sweden to become parties in а

defnitive treaty. I do not say that this is а point that must be deter-

mined ироп prcvious to your settling the basis proposed, but it is

опе which should not be lost sight of, but оп the contrary urged as far

as possible.

јипе 26




С. Lord Yarmouth to Mr. Fox.

I had the honour to receive оп Saturday night the full powers

with which it has graciously pleased His Majcsty to entrust те, and

Your despatch 1.

I waited ироп Mr. Talleyrand next morning and stated to him in

the strongest manner the impossibility of ту conversing апу further

ироп the general outlines of реасе, until he should return to the

former ground and consider Sicily in it's true and real situation,

namely а State not conquered by France or likely to be so, and

coming most strictly within the meaning 0f his own words. That it

had been clearly expressed by him and repeated to уои in the frst

instance that France did not intend to такс Sicily ап obstaclc to

реасс. Mr. Talleyrand answcred that whilst the war continued and

till tcrms were actually agreed ироп, change of ciicumstances was

always to be considered as reason for а partial change of terms.

That Bonaparte had been lately convinced of the facility of taking

Sicily at some future period of the war; but that above all he