F. Lord Yarmouth to Мг. Fox.

I had the honour to receive your despatch 2 early yesterday

morning and as soon as possible after waited ироп - Mr. Talleyrand

to communicate to him that the ofer made by France was Ъу по

means admissible and that had по authority to listen to апу рто-

posals whatsoever for the restoration of реасе till he should desist

from all pretension to the island of Sicily.

Mr. Talleyrand not being willing to таке апу such declaration,

asked him то give те а passport to return to London. Не desired те

to wait опе day till he should again have taken the Emperor's orders. —

I accordingly returned this morning when he desired те to propose

Dalmatia, Albania and Ragusa as ап indemnity for the loss of Sicily

to His Sicilian Majesty. То this I answered that as the messenger

was returning I should communicate this proposition, but that it by

по means authorized те to expect ап answer and therefore must

beg leave to return to England.

«Теи Mr. Fox that we shall receive with pleasure а proposition

for the .exchange еп masse of the prisoners». I answered that I had

heard though not 0fTcially that such а proposition had already been

rejected. Не said «по —it is too unreasonable»

— «then таке some


Wishing to proft of this apparent desire that I should remain

some time longer here, I asked Mr. Talleyrand whether I should

write for instructions to enable те to treat with France for the

abolishment of the slave trade.

Не said that the Emperor would discuss that point when the

others of greater importance were arranged, adding that were they

not, Germany, Switzerland and Portugal would stand in need of ап

act of Parliament and that the only опе to save them was реасе.

This, Sir, is the whole of what passed between Mr. Talleyrand

and myself; had Mr. d'Oubril not Ьееп here I should immediately