of silver and 1000 liang silk wu estimated = 50 liang

(or 1 ting) silveri). Thus, in consequence of those measures, it

became gradually а rule to transfer the taxes and rents origi-

nally paid in silk, into silver].

Пресловутое богатство монгольскихъ хановъ, судя по попа-

дающимся иногда отчетамъ, не поражаеть Такъ

въ 1298 году, въ приход% значилось 19,000 таэлей золота,

60,000 л. серебра и динь 2) кром% того

надобно им±ть въ виду подати натурой и ц%нньш

хану отъ чиновъ въ праздники новаго года и дня хана;

за встмъ тьмъ, безумные расходы на и ламъ, ежегодно

производили бољшой дефицить.

[Въ тексте, In the year 1298 for instance the

amount of the revenue is stated in the Siu t'ung kien to have

been : —

19,000 liang of gold= (190,000 liang of silver according

to the exchange of that time at

the rate 0f 1 to 10).

60,000 »

» silver.

3.600,000 ting of silvbr in bank-notes (i. е. 180 millions liang).

altogether liang of silver.

The number seems indeed very high for that time. But ifthe

exceedingly low exchange of the bank-notes be taken into consi-

deration the sum will be reduced to а modest amount].

Гл. ХХХШ. Въ ПекинеВ при Хубила± было два астрономи-

ческихъ трибунала и двЬ китайская (Сы-тянь-тай), и

магометанская (Хой-хой-сы-тянь-тай); астрономы изъ

1) The ting of the Mongol time ав well as daring the reign of the kin,

а unit of weight equivalent to 50 liang, but not to 10 liang ав has been

suggested by воте interpreters of М. Polo Отр. Ch'ue Кепд 1 и, and Уиеп Bhi,

chap. XCV Й Н). ТЬе Уиеп рао, vhich и everybody in China

knows, is equivalent to 50 Iiang (taelB) of Bilver, iB the вате ав the ancient ting,

and the character јиеп indicates, that it dates from the Уиеп dynuty.

2) Динь = 50 лавамъ, а не 10, какъ полагаеть Потье.