И) „Пет juratores dicunt quod dlcti homines de Dalton habent suffcien-
tem pasturam praeter loca superius Domino Priorl reservata•. „Halmota
Prioratus Dunelmensisa, Surtees Soc., v. 82, р. 12.
Е) „Select Pleas in Manorial Courtsa, р. 173.
и) „But it was not until the time of Elizabeth that the Statute of Мег-
ton was held to apply to copyholders. Copyholders were, however, allowed
to claim соттоп against the lord by custom“. „Select Cases in the Court of
Requests. А. D. 1497—1569“. Ed. Ьу 1. S. Leadam (Selden Soc., 1898,
р. LIX).
и) „Non habent pasturam modo adeo competentum extra clausum illud
sicut prius habuerunt•. Placit. Abbrev., р. 146.
И) „Juratores dicunt quod revera idem ј. assartavit quandam partem
bosci ubi ipse solet habere соттипат suam circiter duas acras dim. de
mora et ilIas fecit includere sed alibi potest habere соттипат in
bosco quantum pertinet ad tenementum suum.« ,Bracton's Note-Boot•, ed.
by Maitland„ 1887, Eyre of Pateshull in Staffordshire.
и) Placit. Abbrev., р. 244.
и) Hist. et Сан. St. Petri Glouc., v. П, р. 23.
и) Chart. топ. de Rameseia, v. 1, р. 8, ibid., р. 35.
в) Chron. топ. de Melsa, 11, р. 214.
л) Registr. Malmesburiense (Rolls' Ser.), v. 1, р. 445.
и) Hist. et Cart. топ. St. Petrl Glouc., v. 1, р. 271; см. тамъ же,
У. П, р. 199, „Registr. Malmesbur1ensea, v. 11, рр. 10—110, 132,
133, 145
— 6 и мн. др., „Сан. топ. S. Iohannis Baptiste in Colcestria•
(Lond., 1897, Roxburghe Club), v. 11, р. 649—Я и т. д.
е) Fr. Dendy, „The Anclent Farms of Northumberland“. BArchaeologia
Aeliana•. N. S., „г. м, 1893.
и) „...there ате тапу cases ln which the severalty holding varies year
Ъу year; there аге in these ореп land8 what is called а рапе of land, in
which there тау be 40 от 60 different lots; it ls reputed to be а remnant
of ап old military custom; Vhen оп а certain day the best тап 0f the
parish appeared to take possession of апу lot he thought fit; if his right was
called in question, he had а fight for П, and the survivor took the flrst
lot, and so they went оп through the partsh. It often happens that in these
shifting severalties the occupier of lot опе this year goes round the whole
of the several lots in rotation; the owner of lot опе this year has lot two
the next, and so оп; where these lands are агаЫе lands they do not chan-
де annually, but periodically, according to the rotatlon of the crops.“ »Report
from the Select Committee оп Commons' lnclosure“, 1844, р. 27, N. 296.
И) Aston and Cote, а sub-manor of the тапот of Bompton in the ра-
rish of Bampton in 0xfordshire: „the original sixteen familles formlng а
community of hereditary villagers... the periodical allotment of land оп the
basis of the original ancestral shares and the subdivision 0f each ancest-
ral share атопд the under•shareholders.g Geo. Gomme ,The Village Сот-