junlor masculus dictorum puerorum post decessum dicti viduari1 patris sul vel
dicte matris sue tenementum dicti decedentis per finem lnde domino
facfendum secundum consuetudinem eiusdem manerli. Et si masculus puer nul-
lus sit tunc lunior, de femellis eodem modo debet admltti ad huiusmodl tene-
mentum secundum consuetudinem antedlctamg. (Bradford, Somerset, 1353,
„Select Cases in the Court 0f Requests«, Selden Soc., р. 125). »Et POSt
ejus decessum fllius ejus post natus vel filia ejus post nata. sl filium поп
habuerit, fniet сит domino per terra tenenda ad voluntatem domln13. „Ма-
mecestre“ ed. by ј. Harland (Chetham Soc.), v. П, р. 280. апуе сор-
piehould tenante ...died ...his youngest sonn shall have the same land in ffee
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Earl, Suffolkk „East Angliang N. S., П, р. 215 (А Custum Roll . ..rene-
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habebit terram suam per finem диат faciet сит domlno ad voluntatem
psius dominl“. (Nativa Stipite) „Trigg Minora by Sir John Maclean, v.
111, 47. „Et puer ultimo natus post mortem antecessorum suorum teram
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0f St. Frldeswide at 0xfordU by. S. W. Wlgram, 0xford. HIst. Soc., 0xf
1895, v. 1, р. 18.
7') „et preterea ipse habuit quatuor filios et junior ipsorum remanslt in
terra illa sicut in villenagio et tres alii ceperunt terram alibl иЫ potue-
runt“. ,Bracton's Note ВооК“ ed. Ьу Maitland, 1887, 794, А. D.
ТЗ, Berk.
Т) G. Corner „Оп the custom of Borough Engllsh as existing in the County
of Sussex«. Lond., 1853, р. 13—14. Elton „0rigin 0f English Hlstory“ 2-е, ed.
1Ы, р. 184. Его же ТА Treatise оп the Law of Copyholds•, 2-d ed., 1893
рр. 187 и сл.
„А Revlew and Complete Account of the Reports to the Board of
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п) „Итоги экономическаго Росс[из. Т. 1. В. В. , Кресть-
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п) „Экономическ\й ростъ Европы до возникновен\я капиталистическаго
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п) С. Laurence Gomme, „Оп archaic conception of property in relation
to the laws of Succession and their survival in England.g ,Archaeologla•,
v. 50, 1887, р. 195.
П) Edgard Powell .The Rising in East Anglia in 131. With ап Appendix
containlng the Suffolk РОИ Тах for that уеат•. Cambr. Univ. Press, 1896.
п) У. Boyd „Staffordshiie Рон тах lists 0f 2—4 Rlc. 11“. »wm. salt
ArchaeoIogical Soc. Collution for а history of Staffordshlrez, Lond., 1896,
voI. хули, рр. 155—m5.
1) Powell, 1. с., р. 108.
П) Ibid., р. 110.