them anewe•. Slr Thomas More's Utopia ed. by ј. С. Collins. 0xf. Cla.
rendon Press, 1 П4, р. 18.
Ш) Рапн ,Drel volkswirthschaftliche Denkschriften аиз der Zeit Hein-
dchs VIIF. „Abhandlungen d. Кёп. Gesel. d. Wissensch. zu G6ttingen“, 1878.
стр. 64.
131) Blf his grace will call down the pryce 0f his owne landes as thei
went ouer fifty, уеа forty yearys, and compell all other landed теп to the
sama ироп рауп 0f forfetting his whole landys... а reformacion тау be had
to the singular ease and commodyte of the сотоп welth“. „Непту Brlnclow's
Complaynt of Roderyck Mors“, Eearly Engl. Т. S., Extra Ser., v. XXII,
р. 9. „таке that опе тап, of what degre so euer he be, shal hold and
Кере in his own handys or оссируепд по тоге than опе ferme, maner,
от lordshyp. beyng а competent lyuyng, as of ХХ pound yerely rent... This
were а brotherly and godly act. For by our oppressors and extorcyohers,
how be the townys and vlllages decayed? Where as were VIll, Х, XlI, уеа
XVl howsoldys and тоге, is now but а shepe howse and two er three
shepardys. And опе тап shal haue two от three such thyngs, от more, in
his handys, that а pore тап scarcely haue ап hole to put [п hys head for
these gret extorcyonars. So if уе teke this godly redresse, where аз уе haue
а fewe in а contry, which be inordynate rich extorcyonars and а great ти-
ltytude of poor peple, than shal уе haue but а fewe poore and а gret по-
wmber of а теапе and reasonable substance, and fewe poore, and lesse
extorcyonars: which would be по smal ease to the соттоп welth. Нете
shal all inclosars, grossars vp of fermys. extorcyonars, and oppressers of
the соттоп welth be offendyd at те and call те heretycke and traytora.
lbid., р. 49.
т) Wherfor Thys ordynance wold be profytable—that al such rentys
as be inhaunsyd by memory 0f тап schold be rebatyd, and set to the old
stynt 0f that tyme when the pepul of Englond for now they ате
brought almost to the mysery of Fraunce by the у] Gouvemance of late
days, and auaryce of the hedys and rularys of them«. »England ln the reign
of the king Непту the Eighth. А Dialogue between Cardinal Pole and Th.
Lupset, lecturer in Rhetoric at 0xford“ by Thomas Sfarkey, Chaplain to
the king. Ed. by Cowper. Early English Text Soc., Extra Ser. XII (1871),
Р. 175.
133) lt 3hal please his Highnes to be so good and gracyous vnto his
роите that there might be ln euery shyre and hundred, as тапу
plowes vsed, occupyed and mainteyned, аз тапу households tept, as was
by Купд Henry the Seuenth tyme, first соттупде. And then vnfayned, и
we do thynke, we chould haue соте ynough, cattel ynough, and shepe
ynough; then will shepe and woll be ln more mens handes; we shal haue
also white meate ynough, and all thynges necessary•. .Certayne Causes gat-
hered together wherein is shewed the decaye of England only by the Great
Multitude of Shepe•. .Four Supplications•, Early Engl. Text Soc., р. Т.