ш) ,Parochial and family hlstory of the deanery of TIigg Minor in the
county of Comwall“ Ву Slr John Мас\еап. 1879. V. 111, р. 45—7.
111) Проф. Д. М. Петрушевск\й „BoscTaHie Уота Тайлерав, ч. 2-я, стр. 194.
Ш) „Капиталь“, т. 1, русск. пер. (2 изд. 1898 стр. 62—631.
Ч Rowland Е. Prothero, „The Pioneers and Progress of English Farm-
.inga, Lond, 1888, рр. 21—24.
ш) Такъ, Фрудъ, исходя изъ того же объективнаго историческаго
матер1ала—изъ отзывовъ современниковъ и правительственнып разъ-
яснен1й, считаетъ аграрный переворотъ ХИ стол. чисто насильствен-
ныиъ и ищетъ оправдан:я ему въ наступившемъ зат%къ промышленномъ
Англ1и. Приведя страстныя филиппики Латимера и Гильпина
противь ненасытной алчности и торгашескаго духа лендлордовъ, онъ
занчаеть: „Could Gilpin and Latimer have lookBd three centuries onward,
they would have seen the slow actlon 0f the spidt whlch threy execrated,
replacing the anclent agrlcultural system of England by another which ех-
tracted fourfold produce from the soil; scattertng colonies over the wide
earth which were expanding into new empires; covering the осеап with
vessels thick as the sea—fowl; converting hamlets into huge towns, and
into workshops of теп“. 1. А. Froude, ,Hlstory of England from the Fall
of Wolseya, континент. изд. Lelpzig, Brockhaus,1864, v. У, р. 74.
ш) W. v. 0chenkowsk1, Englands wlrthschaftliche Entwickelung im
Ausgange des Mittelalters“. Iena, 1879, S. 35, 37.
ИЗ) М. Ковалевск'й, „Общественный строй въ концЬ среднихъ
вЬковъ“. М., 1888, стр. 87—119.
ИТ) EWhile the Statutes of Parliament and the language of the popular
writers of the sixteenth century concur in denonciatlon of tbe evlctions, по
suggestlon is made that the landlords were exceeding their strict legal
rfghtsa. » Ап lnquisition of 1517“ Ву 1. S. Leadam. „Transact10ns of the
R. Hist. soc.“ N. S., v. (1892), р. 170.
ш) lbid. рр. 170, 190, 261.
Ш) „Anna13 of thB British Peasantry• by Russel М. Garnier. Lond.,
1895, р. П З.
sThe Early History of the Manor of Hartland3 by R. Pearse Chope.
Rep. and Transact. of the Devon. Ass., v. XXXlV (10).
131) BMonasticon АпдИсапит• 1817, v. Н, р. 331. Моп. de Wilton. West-
knoyle. Lib. ten. 92.8.8. Cust. and Nativo %.6.11.
10) Ashley, „Ап lntroduction to Engllsh Economic History and Theory•.
Part П (2-d ed., Lond., 1893), ch. lV. The Agrarian Revolution.
,For и moche as dyvers and sundry persones of the kynges зиЬ-
jecta of this Realm, to whome God of his goodness hath disposed geate
plentie and abundance 0f moviable substance, nowe of late within fewe
yeres have dayly studyed practised and invented ways and meanes how
they myght accumulate and gather together into few handes uwell great
multitude of fermesas great plenty of catall and in especiall shepe, putting