such londe as they сап get to pasture and not to tillage, wherby they have

not only pulled down churches and townes and inhansed the old ratis 0'

the rentis of the possessions of this Realm, от else brought it to such

excEsyve fynes that по poure тап is able to medell wlth it, but also have

raysed and enhaunsed the prises of all тапет of corn catall woll pygges

geese henes chekyns egges and suche other •almost doble above the prices

which hath been accustomed, by reason whereof а mervaylous multitude and

nombre of the реор1е of this realm is not able to provide meat drynk апа

clothe necessary for them selfes theire wifes and children, but be во discor-

aged wlth myserye, and poverty that they fall dayly to thefte robberye and

other inconvenlence, от pitifully dye for hunger and colde; And as it is

thought by the Купда most humble and lovyng subjecte that опе of the

greates occaslons that moveth and provoketh those gredy апЬ covetous to

accumulate and Кере in their handes such great porcions and partles of

the grounds and landis of this Realm from the occupying of the poure

husbondmen, and so to use it in pasture and not in tyllage is only the great

profette that comyth of shepe which now be сотуп to а few persons hand-

es 0f this Realme in respecte of the holle потЬет of the kynges Subjec-

tes, that some have ХХПИ thousond some ХХ thousand some Х доте Vi

thousand some V and some тоте and some lessek... Stat of Realm 25 Н,

v111 с. 13.

(и) „Domesday of lnclosures Ed. by 1. S. Leadam. R. Н.

S., 1897, v. 1, р. 7.

to be inhabitid and dwelt уп by husbandmen от laborars accord-

упд as it was before the engrossyng of the said housesz. lbid., р. 8.

Ш) „Уеа even уои (most Cristian counsaylours) whych are here assembl-

ed to debate the weightie mattiers of thys realme, are not all до free from

this tynde of oppress10n, but that уои coulde be well contented to wyncke

at it3. Crowley, Works., Е. Е. Т. S. р. 167.

157) „1 then deuysed thre bylles to Ье put into the parlament.„ The

fyrst beynge redde was not lyted. The second they allowed, and augment-

ed, and sent downe 10 the lower house, which if уе had there herde de-

bated... perchaunce уе wolde haue saied that the lambe had byn commyt-

ted to the wolfe to custodie«. „Соттоп Weal“, ed. by El. Lamond, р.


ш) ,Pleasith it therefore уот поЫе grace... to and enacte.

that по тапет of persone from henceforthe shall haue от Кере in his owne

handes от possession апу тоо ffermes than ооп, and that the holder of the

same, or 0ther to h13 vse, enhabite and dwell therupon wlth their familie

and houshold, the дате fferme occupying yerely wlth tilth. ,Ballads from

Manuscrlptsa ed. Ьу Fr. Fumivall (Ball. Soc.) V. 1. (1868), р. 101.

Ш) ,МаКе а lawe that they whyche plucked downe fermes and townes

of husbandrye, shall buylde them ир адаупе от eIse yelde and vprender

the possessyon of them to syche и wyll доо to the coste of buyldynge