husbandmen, уеа marchantes or retailers ehich have по free lande, copi-
holders, and all artificersg, „De Republica Anglorumg, by Sir Thomas Smith,
ed. by L. Alston. Cambr., Univ. Press, 1906, р. 46. Ср. „Elizabethan Еп-
gland“, р. 13.
„Custom Roll of the Manor of Soham Earl, Suffolk, renewed А. D.
1635“ („East Angliana, N. S., v. П, р. 39); въ парагр. 37 переименовы-
ваются 8 bondmen of blood, живущ1е вотчины и по
4 пенса »in the пате of chevage whereby they doe acknowledge their
Ы) Сг•Ьпы Опостного права, повивному, довольно легко
несмотря на родословныя, которыя велись вилланамъ, и потому, быть
можетъ, еще конц% 14-го столНя нькоторые uipckie сходн Даргем-
скихъ вотчинъ епец1альными приговорами подъ страхомъ высокаго
штрафа въ Т шилл. предписывають, чтобы никто не называлъ друтъ
друга кр•Ьпостнымъ лорда: quod nullus eorum vocet allquem earundem vIl-
larum nativum Domini sub репа 20 s. „Halmota“, 1. с., р. 33.
Ч „Пе History of the Raigne of king Непту the Seventh•, by R. Н.
Francis Lord Verulam. Lond., 1622, р. 73—74.
и1) thinke this contry сап beare по merchaunt to have more land then
Н., по husbandmen от fermour worth above 1Ш от 1., по artIfi-
сет above 1Ш marc, по labourer much тоте than he spendith... this сотоп-
wealth тау not beare опе тап to have тоте then 2 fermes... then 20 shepe,
and опе kind 0f art to llve Ьу•, »Literary Remains 0f king Edward V13,
ed. from his autograph manuscdpts with historical notE by John Gaugh
Nich01s, Roxburgh Club., Lond., 1857. vol. П, р. 40
ив) „Пе уотеп and husbandmen 0f England Ье subtencial and honest
howsholders, whe be equall in degre to your Mousers of France, and excede
them in good maners and all other feates that теп should dog, „Debate
0f the Heralds“ ьу Sir John соке, 1550, S (р. 115).
ш) Francis Trigge „НитЫе Petitlon of two Sisters the Church and the
Commonvealth“, 1604. „Ballads from Мзз.д, Ballad Soc., v. 1, р. 35.
Ж) ,There Is тоте lucre by grasinge of х acres, tO the occupier alone,
then ls ln tillage of xx-ti; and the causes therof be manie. Опе is, that
gruinge requires small charge and small labor, which in tillage consumes
muche of the maisters gaines; thoughe it be true that the tlllage of х acres
bringes more gaines generallie атопде the maisters and all thelre теап1е,
then the graslnge of xx•ti. Another greate cause theare is, that what so
ever thlnge is rered vpon grasinge hathe fre vent, both оп this side and
also beyonde the sea, to be sold at the highest реппу. It is contrarie by
all thinges rered by tillage, for it requires both great charge of
and of labor; and yf anie yeare be good cheape of соте, it paiethe scant
for the charge of tlllage; and then, yf the markett doe rlse, either wIth
in the realme от with oute, the poore husbandman shalbe so rutrained
from sellinge his corne, that never after he shall haue anie ioye to