м) ,The Black воок of Нетата (Surt. soc., v. хыу, 1865).

Halmota Prioratus Dunelmensis. Surt. Soc., v. LXXXII, 1889. Ар-

pendix. А. ВооК of Surveighe and abstract out of rentale of all the landes,

tenementes and revenews that belonge to the Cathedrall Churche of Durham

with the perfect and perticuler state therof mayd аппо Reginae Ellzabethae

vicessimo secundo (1580).

310) „А History of Northumberland'. V01. Ill (1896). Hexhamshire. Part 1,

Ьу Allen В. Hinds, рр. 66 seqq. Survey of Hexham Manor in 1547.

311) ,Cart. Abbat. de Whitebya, Surt. Soc., LXXII.

312) „01d Cuckfleld Families“, by the Rev. Сапоп ј. Н. Соорет, Vicar of

Cuckfield. Sussex Arch. Coll., v. СЫ (1898), рр. ТЗ seqq.

313) sFive Court Rolls of Great Cressingham in the county of Norfolk“,

Translat. by Henry W. Chandler. London, 1885.

31') „Transactlons of the R. Hist. Soc.z, N. S., v. XI, р. 78.

815) „А Norfolk Мапог Appendix М, рр. VIl—X111.

316) lbid., рр. m—105.

311) lbid., рр. 93, 94.

818) lbid., 94 (НШупд Family), 92 (Walter Bolitout), 90 (Roger


319) Baigent, 1. с. рр. U—142, 159—374.

М) Ibid., рр. 262, Ы, 370, 374, 367, 304, 357, 311, 314, 192, 246,

198, 65.

и) „The early hlstory of Woodstock manor and hls environs“, by Edw.

Marshall. oxf., 1873, р. 42.

и) Mrs Bryan Staylton, 1. с.

ы) Poullett Scrop„ с.

и) „Liber Henrici de Sollaco, Abbatis Glastonz. Roxburghe Club, 1882;

„Rentalia Michaelis de Ambresbury Som. Rec. Soc., 1891;

Hoare „Hlstory of Modern Wilts.«, 1835, v. 111, рр. 40 seqq., v. V, рр. 67


ы) flate by experience contriued, compiled and made а Treatyse

for the зате poore fermers and tenauntes, and calIyd it the booke of hus-

bandrye«. Surueyence. The Prologue, П.

и) „Nowe thou husbande, that haste doone thy dylygence and labour

that longeth to вп husbande, to get thy Iyuynge, thy wyues, thy chyldrens,

and thy seruauntes...“ „Husbandry“. Ed. 1767, р. 87.

327) „...and prouyde for thy husbandes brekefaste, dynner, souper, and for

thy chyldren and seruauntes“. IbId., р. 89.

М) „Опе thinge 1 wyl aduise the to remembre, and specially in wynter

tyme, whan thou sytteste by the fyre, and hast supped, to consyder in thy

mynde, whether the workes that thou, thy wyfe, and thy seruauntes shall

do, be тоте auauntage to the, than the fyre and candell lyghte, meate and

drynke that they shall spendea. lbid., р. 195. „Surueyinge“, ed. 1767, р. 99:

,and moche of this labor тау be done by himselfe, and his seruantes, at а