Т) W. О. Massingberd, .The History of the Parish of 0rmsby сит
ketsby in the hundred of HilI and county 0f Lincolna. Linc. (1893), р. Ы.
„Пе Economlc Development of а Norfolt Мапот 1086—1565“ by
Frances Gard1ner Davenport. Cambr., р. 70—73.
Ж) .The History of а Cambridgeshire Мапот“ by prof. Maitland. Engl.
Hist. Rev., 1894, р. 424.
М) „The End of Villainage in England3 by Th. WaIk Раде. Publ. of
the Amer. Есоп. Ass., 10. рр. 76—77.
П) „Ап increased demand for hired labour and а consequent r1se of
wages тау have been the forces which drove the peasantry tO desert their
holdings•, Maitland, Е. Н. К., 1. с., р. 424
П) „for Scarcity of the said Servants and Labourers, the Husbands and
Landtenants тау not рау their Rents, пог unnethes Iive their Lands,
to the great Damage and Lose as well 0f the lords as ail the Commons“.
ы) „for the Pide of Clothing and other evil Customs that Servants do изе in
the same (Cities and Boroughs) so that there is so great Scarcity of La-
bourers and other Servants of Husbandry that the GentIemen and other
People of the Realm be greatly impoverished for the Cause aforesaid“.
8 Неп. VI с. 11.
12 неп. VII с. 1 & 11 неп. VII с. 11.
т) Also that by Colour of (the Tenor of less Lands) than the Husbandry
(of the дате) shall suffice to the continual 0ccupation of Опе Мап, по
Мап shall be excused to serve by the Year, ир оп the pain to be justiflc-
ed as а Vagabond. Also that Justices of Реасе shall have Power to take
all servants retained with апу Ревоп by Colour of Husbandry, and not
du1y occupied about the same. which Servants ought by the Lav to be
Servants of Husbandry, and to сотре1 them to serve, fn the 0ccupation of
Husbandry, to such as shall require their Servlce.
п) Les servantz пе voillent serviz аи coiler les blees et fey еп temp
d'an mes font excusation еп fesant le dit zern. Rotuli Parliamentorum, v.
V, 50 Edw. 111.
Ж) „!njunctum est omnibus operatoribus villae quod поп excedant vlllam
dum aliqui vicini habent aliquld ad operandum«. Halmota PHoratus Dunelmen-
sis (Surtea Soc., Durh., 1889), р. 107. Fery 1375. ,Injunctum est omnibus
cot. villae quod поп exlant villam dum aliqui ten. aliquid habent ad оре
randum“, Ibid. р. 126.
мо) lnjunctum est omnibus cotariis ас omnlbus aliiB tent. Domini qul
поп habent blada sua ad metenda quod metant сит domino apud. :.ketton
sub роепа 40 d. et Eiam sub роепа omissionis juris sui. Et eciam quod
illi tenentes quI demiserunt tenementa sua quod factant воз metem сит do-
mino sub eadem роепа. Et injunctum est Willelmo Pouer praeposito et
forestr' quod ipsi aratari faciant отпев hujusmodI tenentes et servitores ас
operar' villae ita quod поп exlant viilam ad metendum nisi сит domlno et
tenentibus suls sub роепа 21 lbid. р. 127—8.