set his ploughe in the groundeg. „Соттоп Weal“,

р. 1n.

М) Ibid., р, 56: Husbandman... manie of vs saw, xij

proffites was but small by the plowes; and therfore

boures that had, in times past, some two, some thre,

of theire owne, have laid downe some of them (parte,

all theire teames, and turned ether part or all theire

ed. by Е. Lamond,

yere адо, that oure

divers of ту neigh-

some fowre plowes

and som of theym)

arable grounde into

pasture, and therby haue wexed verie Rich теп. And everie day some of

vs encloseth а (plote) of his grounde into pasture; and weare it not that

oure grounde lieth in the соттоп feildes, intermiged опе with а nother,

thinke also oure feildes had bene enclosed, of а соттоп agreament 0f

all the townshippe, longe ere this time. And to saie the true, 1, that haue

enclosed litle or nothinge of ту grownd, could (never be able) to таКе

vp ту rent weare lt not for а litle brede of neate, shepe, swine,

gese and hens that 1 doe rere vpon ту ground, whearof, because the price

is sumwhat round, 1 таКе more cleare profHtt then doe 0f all ту соте“.

352) „Now adayes euery Butcher, Shoemaker, Tailer, Cobler, Husband-

тап and other, уеа, euery Tinker, pedler and swinherd, euery Artificer and

other, gregarl ordinis, of the vlBt sorte of Меп that Ье, mtist be called by

the vain пате of »Maisters“, at euery word“. Phillip Stubbes's. EAnatomy

of Abuses in England“. А. D. 1583. Ed. by Fr. ј. Furnivall (New Shakes.

рете soc.). Part. 1, 1877—1879, р. 122.

03) husbande сап not well thryue by his соте, without he haue

other cattell, nor by his cattell, without соте, for else he shall be а byer,

а borower. or а begger, and because that shepe in тупе орупуоп is the

mooste profytablest cattell. that апу тап сап haue, therfore pourpose to

speake fyrst 0f shepe“. „HusbandryU, ed. 1767, р. 34.

м) „SurueyengeU, ch. XL, р. 97.

ш) Искусство изъ рабочаго всей его рабочей силы было

разработано »хозяевииИ до виртуозности: тутъ и и поощре-

Hie, и награжден\е, даже услажден1е музыкой и I1bHieMb; особенно T0Hkie

сов±ты преподаетъ на это“ счетъ Туссеръ:

Grant harvest, lord, more, by а реппу от two,

То call оп his fellows the better to do:

Give gloves to thy reapers, а largess to ст,

And daily to loiters have а good еуе!

(„Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry“, ed. by W. Mavor, 1812,

р. 183).

Good music regard,

Good servants reward.

Such servants are optenest painfull and good,

That sing in their labour, as birds in the wood“.

(lbid., р. 252).