211) nInjunctum est omnibus tenentibus villae quod arr' faciant terram

suam sicut antiquitus fuemnt 1372. ,Halmota Dunelm.U р. 113; „In-

junctum est omnibus tenentlbus villae quod arrari faciant les leyls citra

prox. cur'k. (А. D. 1374. Billyngham); ibid., р. 12. »Ordinatum est ех

communi asensu quod quilibet eorum teneat terram suam in cultura ita

quod quillbet seminat terram suam prout campl jacent et warect' ln сатр'

prout antique solebant“ (Est.-M., А. D. 1373). lbid., р. 122 „lnjunctum

est omnibus ten. de 0verheworth et Netherheworth quod arrarl faciant

totas terras suas pert' tenuris eorum sub роепа 10 (А. D. 1379). lbid.,

р. 159.

т) „Dies datus est ј. del Wraa et Адп' uxori ejus ad veniend' et сото-

rand' super ипит cotagium.„ ео quod presentatum est in curia рег Jur' vil-

lae ео quod praedictum cotaglum stat vacuum et terra поп manuopratur

пес fimatur debite пас aliqua vicinitas fit vlcinls etc.• (А. D. 1366).

Ibid., р. 56.

из) „After the pIague most of the lands were let. The чаде of labour...

rose so considerable that it was по longer profitable to hold and cultivate

by b•ailiff. Сот, it is true, was dear... But even the high prices of wheat

were insufficient to compensate the enhanced cost of labour, and the col-

lege let its lands оп lease, at the best posslble terms. These leases were

peculiar. The stock was let with the land, either ln whole or part, the rents

being in топеу от сот. The tenant оп the explry of his lease was bound

to return the same amount of seed corn and of live and dead stock и he

received, or their estimated value. The leasing 0f cattle and sheep оп these

terms was very соттоп before the plague, опе of the most famlliar resour-

ces of the lord [s the flrma vaccarum. This kind of tenure, closely апа1од—

ous to the metairie of South—westem Europe, prevalled for а short time

in England. 1t is abandoned about fifty years after its commencement•.

Rogers. 1. с., v. 1, р. 25. Однако это иные Роджер, повторяемое до

сихъ порь какъ непреложная истина (см., напр., „The relations of rents,

wages and profits in agriculture•, by ј. S. Nicholson, Lond., р. 45),

въ сущности довольно слабо обосновано. Несонн•нно, какъ указывалось

уже выше, снабжен1е кустьянъ инвентаренъ было значительно распро-

странено въ Англ1и, особенно въ окраинныхъ графствахъ еще въ 13 и

даже до конца 14 ввка; несомкнно, практиковалась также раздача кре-

стьянамъ въ аренду овецъ и коровь (см., напр., помимо приведенныхъ

выше случаевъ, Мапог of Colne, extent of 132, въ ,The Court Rolls of

the Manor of Clitheroe ln the county of Lancasterk, v. 1, transl. by Wm.

Farrer, 1897: присяжные отм•Ьчають существован1е 5 коровниковъ,—

трехъ въ 24 коровы и двухъ—въ 16, сдаваемыхъ въ аренду разнымъ ли-

цамъ въ сложности за 48 ш., и при этомъ заявляютъ: there greater

advantage to the king to adgist these vaccaries by а suitable number of

cows than to set them to farm). Несомн•нно также, какъ указываетъ

Роджерсъ въ другоиъ мВстЬ (т. 1, стр. 668), что этой си-