Mrs Bryan Stapleton, ,Three 0xford Parishes“. 0xford Hist. Soc., 1893.

и) „Cartularium Abbat. de Whitebyg (Surt. soc., v. LXXIl), v. Н,

рр. 732433.

в) ,The custumaryes tenaunts were so smale and so lyttle londe lon-

ginge to them that the tenaunts were not able to рауе the lordes rent, but

the опе holfe of them separted the towne, and yelded ир ther coppies into

the lordes handes; the resydewe made request unto the lorde (as they de-

clared) that they myght use his londe ип suche sorte as he might be

satysfied his rents, and they hls tenaunts аЫв thereby to amende ther Иу-

vinge and mayntayne hospitalitie“, т.-е. риверстать земли. ,The Торо-

grapher and Genealogist“ ed. by ј. G. Nlchols, 1846, v. 1, р. 47.

и) „ln а survey made about the year 1498 lt was ascertained that though

there were at that time nomlnally thirty—five husbandlands or tenements in

Acklington there were actually but eighteen, for seventeen tenants held two

husbandlandes а plece•. „А History of Northumberlandk, v. (1898?), р. 365.

Авторъ этого тома „Истор1и Нортумберленда“ полагаетъ, что въ воен-

ныхъ ц%ляхъ раньше создавали больше над%ловъ, “иъ земля могла

прокормить (стр. 271).

п1) „Salton... Bondagla. Sunt... ln villa LXXlII bovatae terre... LlV de

bondagio, lV per aestimationem sunt in lez For-landes et tenentur ut bon-

dagia et ХУ bovatae sunt de domlnlcls, unde quaelibet bovata terrae de

dominicis cont. VlI acr. et dimld. arrabills et prati. Et quaellbet bovata de

bondag. et de lez Forlandes cont. IX acra. ,The Blact ВооК of Hexham“.

Surt. Soe., v. 44 (1365), р. 72. „ХИП ась de for•land et пипе adjungun-

tur terr. husband.z 1bid., р. 36.

п) „...the demeanes of the sade тапот were devysed amongst the te-

naunts of the said manor at dyvers tymes... in ther copies is по mentlon

made eyther of the londs, от of the rents, от of the bestes' pasture, от suche

lyke wherby the deamens тау Ье knowen from custumarye, от the rents

of the опе from the othera. ,Topographer and Geneal.g, р. 147.

и) „The demeanes of this lordshippe are graunted out Ьу соруе and

courte rolle, and expressed in ther copies Ьу the пате of Bartonz. lbid.,

р. Пб. ,The mansion house is decayed, the londes graurited amongest the te•

naunts by соруе, and попе other mention made in ther coples eyther by the

пате of Barton devyded from the custumarye londes, пот the custumarye

from the wurke sylver“. lbid., р. 226.

Ы) „...all the smaller strlps have lrresistlbly tended to get merged with

the copyholds, and in Horstead have all passed out of the hands of the

lord.“ Corbett, „Elizabethan Village Surveys“ . Transact. of the R. Hist. Soc.,

1897, р. 75.

П) lbid., р. 74.

и) Davenport, 1. с., р. 15.

м) ,Hatfield's Survey“. Ed. by W. Greenwell (Surt. soc., У. ХХХН,

1857). .Boldon Вике“. Ed. by W. Greenwell (Surt. soc., 1852).