Than t'other with tyenty in hand.
Yet рау they а; much for the two,
As t•other for twenty must do•.
L. с., ed. 1812, р. 210.
М) Farrer, ,Court RolIs 0f Clitheroe“, v. 1. Туссеръ спец:ально пре-
достерегаетъ противь одновременнаго вепен1я двухъ хозяйствъ:
Delight not, for pleasure, two houses to Кеер,
Lest charge, without measure, ироп thee do creep;
And ј ankin and ј е пу К 1 п * ) cozen thee so,
То таКе thee repent it, ere year about док.
L. с., ed. 1813 р. ХХХ.
Ы) Baigent, „The Crondal Records“, рр. 209, 330—34.
М) Ibid., „р. 199, 201, 208, за 378.
м) 1bld., рр. т, 288, 265.
и) ,The Black ВооК 0f Hexham“, Surt. Soc., v. (1865), р. 44.
м) ,Three 0xford ParishesB, Ьу M-rs Втуап Stapletonf, 1893 (0xford
Hist. Soc.), рр. 214 seqq.
и) Baigent „The Crondal Records•, р. 375—383.
101) EHlstory of Northumberland«, v. V, р.
Ibid., р. 427, 426.
И) ed. ьу 1. Churton Colllns, oxf., 1904, р. 16.
и) „Court Rolls of Clitheroe•.
Ш) ,The Court Rolls of Helmesfield', by Ev. Ch. kerry, ,Journ. of Der-
byshire Arch. & н. Н. soc.•, У. ХХ (1898), рр. 52—12.
Ж) „А certaine тап had
little thoughe it were;
And yet wold faine haue liued
lyke а gentelman's peare.
0f thys land he made sale,
and toke readye golde,
And let that for double the rente
of the lande that was solde.
Than сате there а broker...
Уои shall (sayde thys broker)
lende but for а monethes day...
Than saide the vsurer.
this matter goeth well.
For ту twentye pounde lande
that 1 chaunced to sele,
shall haue foure hundred
Pounde rente by the yere...
е) lAppe11atlves for servants in generall.