токолу 19 года Генриха 7-го: Rog. Butterals — Grysteleyffeld; Emmota
Wright — Dielfield; Roger Wood — Brombypasture; Richard Newbild — Le
Flattes; John Haregreyve—Fforde field; Henry Dawson—Drecroft and Mad-
dercroft; Robert Сипе — Brigefurlonge; John СоККе — John СоККе Weyre;
Robert Gregory—Bakestone Hill (pasture in); въ 20 годъ Henry УП: Thomas
Haywarde—Bukeraleclose; Robert Cune—Brode close and pasture in Bubnell
Dale; John Dawson—Dercroft. „The Court Rolls of Baslow, Derbyshire“ by
the Rev. G. кету „јоит. 0f Derb. Arch. & N. Н. soc.a, v. ХХХНЦ19О2),
рр. 34, 37, 38. См. также »Court Rolls of Wimbledon“, рр. 27, 29, 31:
„inclosed lande in the соттоп field and kept this in severalty which should
Ье соттопе etc. to the соттоп injury“. „Early in the fifteenth century
соте the first complaints in the extant rolls regarding inclosures. Ву 1404
а considerable number of tenants had inclosed their land in the ореп fields
. ..During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the tenants continued to ln-
close their lands«. Davenport, 1. с., р. 0—81.
87) Corbett, 1. с., рр. Davenport, 1. с., р. 81: »From the Sur-
vey of 1565 it appears that at that time from one-thlrd to one-half of the
fields 0f Forncett will lay within inclosures“.
878) „All these doth enclosure bring,
Experience teacheth по less...
Exemple, if doubt уе doo таКе,
Ву Suffolk and Essex до take•.
Tusser, 1. с., ed. 1812, р.
879) „Соттоп Weal“, р. 49.
п) 1bid., р. 49.
И1) „What is meant by this word inclosures, it is not taken where а
тап doth enclose and hedge in his own proper ground, whera по тап hath
commons. For such iuclosure ls very beneflcial to the соттоп wealth...
but lt is meant therby, when апу тап hath taken away and enclosed апу
other mens commons or hath pulled down howses of husbandry, and conver-
ted the land from tillage to pasture“. „Ecclesiastical MemorialsB, by John
stripe (0xf., 1822), v. П, ран 2. р. 362
„The Domesday 0f Inclosures“, рр. 214, 242, 318, 388, 452, 476.
Berkshire: per quod viginti et поиет persone que in kbuagiis lllis
manere et operare solebant abinde recedere et alibi victum suum querere
compellentur of lncl.“, р. 102); „decem persone que ibidem inhabitare
solebant mansionibus suIs carent“ (р. 103). 0xfordshire: viginti persone
que in Mesuagils predictis adtunc moram traxerunt et cira eandem Cultu-
ram sufficiente fuerunt ocupate а mansionibus suis predictis lacrise reces-
serunt et in ocium perducunturg (р. 328), „ociosi lacrimose abinde reces-
serunta (р. 349); „lamintabiliter abinde vagantes et oclosl redlerunt et mi-
seram vitam ut supponitur postea duxerunt« (352). Warwickshire: „et sex
persone а suis prioribus laboribus abinde recesserunt et а suis mansionibus