High Honourable Francis Lord Verulam vlscount St. Albana, London,
1622, р. 73.
т) „...1 and ту sorte, теапе all gentlemen, haue аз greate, уеа а far
greater, cause to сотр1аупе then ап!в of уоие haue; for as sayed поу
that the price of thinges weare dsen of all handes, уоие тау better live
•fter your then we, for уоие тау and doe rain the price of vic-
tualles and other necessaries (doo rise). And 30 сап not we so muche; for
thoughe it be true that of suche landes as соте to oure handes, eitheir by
purchace or by determinatlon and endinge of suche termes of yeares or
other estates that 1 от ту auncester had graunted thearin in times put,
doe either receive а better fyne then of oId was used, от enhaunce the
rent therof, beinge forced therto for the chardge of ту howshold that is in-
creased over that lt was, yeat in all ту live tlme looke not that the
thlrde parte of ту lande schall соте to ту dispocition, that тауе еп-
haunce the rent of the same; but it shalbe ln тепз holdinges, either by
lease от Ьу copie, graunted before ту time, and still contynulnge, and yet
like to continewe in the same estate, for the most parte during ту live,
and perchaunce ту sonnesB. ,The Соттоп Weal“, ed. by Е. Lamond,
1893, р. 19.
Н 1bid., р. Т.
Ы) Си. приложен:е V.
ы) R. Pearse Chope, „Hlstory 0f Hartland“. BTransact. Dev. Ass.B, с-
ы) у. ј. Corbett, »Elizabethan village Syrveys“. „Transact. of the R.
Hist. soc.•, У. Х: (1797), р. 76—7.
ит) „Domesday of lnclosures• ed. by Leadam. Р. 134: „Th. Denton деп-
tenet pr Copiam Сине... ипит mesuagium et viginti acras tere
arabilisk. Р. 112: ,Th. Elston gentilman... tenet ad firmam... vnum mesua•
gium et viglnti et quatuor acru terre arabilis“. Р. 127: Th. Vpton armiger...
tenet ad flrmam... qulnque Mesuag1a Centum et quindecim acras terre ara-
bilis. Р. 136: »Johannes Cottesmore gentilman... tenuit ad firmam.„ vnum
Mesuaglum et Centum acras tere arrabllis“. Р. 140: „Johannes Curson деп-
tilman tenet... vnum Mesuagium et terras arrablles ad firmam ad valenclam
trium liblarum... Et ldem Johannes duas alias firmas tenet... ln villis de
Garford et Braytona. Р. 148: ,Wa1terus Chaldacot gentilman.„ tenet ad flr-
тат... vnum Mesuagium et ducentas acras terre arrabilis... Et Idem Wal-
terus similiter alias firmas teneta. 0xfordshire. Р. 341: »Willelmus Cotes-
тоте armiger tenet... duas firmas vnam videlicet vocatam [е pasture of
Vhesyllyngton ad valenciam per аппит duodecim libras et aliam ad апиит
valorem sex librarum“. Р. 349: „Johannes arde gentilman... tenuit ad firman...
duo Mesuagla et ducentas acras terre arrabllis et sexaginta acras pasture•.
Р. 352: »Willelmus уопд de Streytley gentilman... tenet ad firmam... vnum
Mesuagium et sexdeclm acras terre arrabilis•. Р. 353: ,Walterus Curzon
tenet ad firmam ducentas acras terre arabilis•. Р.
„Willelmus Counser gentilman... tenet ad firmam... triginta асти tere