convenlent tyme, soo that he let not his husbandry•. Даже тамъ,
онъ говорить о кр%постныхъ и возмущается ихъ безп—еиъ, дающимъ
возможность другому властвовать надъ нип, надъ ихъ Вломъ, ио
землей, ихъ добромъ и пбврать его сен, какъ будто оно было бы на-
жито обианонъ или вымогатељствоиъ, онъ невольно, по прпычноч
представлен!ю о хозяин, прибавляетъ: „надъ добро», надъ которымъ
всю жизнь работали его жена, его д•Ьти и его слукт•, 271. ,Howe Ье it
ln some places, the boundmen contynue as yet, the whish те semeth 13 ttE
greatest inconuenience that suffered by the lawe, that is to haue апу
christen тап bounden to ап other, and to haue the rule of his body, landes
and goodes that his wlfe, chyldren, and seruanta haue labourd for ал
theyr lyfe tyme to be taken, like as and it were extorcion and
lbid., р. 50.
и) most humble and peteous case complaynynge shewen vnto your
excellent highnesse уоит роте dayly oratorys and true and falthfull subiectes
Symon kent... and William Stokeley... And... the зате John Seynt John„.
hath beaten and stryten the seruauntes and catall of the same Wulllam (Sto-
Ке1еу)И. „...и your seld oratores belng but very роге husbondmen having
wiffes and тапу chlldren to Cases in the Court of Re.
quests. А. Р. Ed. ьу 1. S. Leadam (Seld. soc., 1898),
р. 65—66.
Т) „As for ехатр1е they belng hot ироп such lnclosure in а Town
ат well acquainted with, Опе of the inhabitans даив this reuon why they
must do in the words, vlz. The роот lncrease llke fleas. and lice, and these
vermin will eat из ир unless we enclose. And surely lt wu plain deallng,
for without question he spoke the sense of most of the rest•. Moore. ,The
Crylng Sin of England of not carying for the Poor wherein lnclosure, viz
such as doth unpeople Townes, and инсот FIelds, is Arraigned, Convictd.
and Condemned by the Word of God•. 1653.
881) ,Elizabethan England“ (W. Scott Publlsh. Со, р. 21.
и) Moore, ,The Crylng Sln of England3.
Ы) „Free renting farmers, along with the smaller freeholders, made ир
the „уеотеп“ of EnglandU. Prof. Edward Cheyney, „Industr. and Social Hlstory
0f England“, 1901, р. 129.
М) „Общественный строй Ангп{и въ кон'.њ среднихъ Вковъв. М., 1Ы,
стр. 131—132.
Ш) „Next to the Lower Nobllity, and the flrst degree of the Commons
or Plebelans, are the Free-holders ln England, commonly caUed Уеотеп.
from the high Duch, Gemen, or Gemain, in English Соттоп... or else from
the low Duch, Уеатап, Some body. The Yeomanry 0f England having land
0f their own to а good value, and llving ироп Husbandry... 0f the Free-
holders of England, there are тоге [п number, and richer than in апу
Country of the liEe Extent in Europe. 40 от а Уем is very ordinary.
and 1. а Уем in some Countyes ls not rare; sometymes [п kent