I entered the military service in as а lieute-

nant in the lBt (Preobrajensky) regiment of Guards;

ту late father and your grand - kther began his

service in the same regiment some 40 years адо.

The garrison - service at St.-Petersbourg during 1802

and а part 0f having entirely satisfed that

kind of anxiety which уоипд теп have to mount

guard, present arms at the head of а platoon and

march about the streets with drums and miliraty

music, I began to feel the want of а more eff-

cient service.

After correspondence with ту father about serving

as а volunteer in the French army, 0f which for very

suflcient reasons he did not approve, and as Russia

was not then engaged in апу European war, settled

to до to Georgia, where besides the continual warfare

with the Lesghuines, Circassians and other mountai-

neers we were then оп the eve of more serious mili-

tary operations against Persia.

Опе 0f our illustrious military chiefs 0f that epoch,

prince Zizianof being invested with the chief-command

and administration of our Transcaucasian provinces.

went with the Emperor's permission and with

good letters 0f recommendation to Tiflis, as

Архивъ князя Воронцова ХХХ УП.