supporting the wounded oflcer till others сате ир,
and we got nearer to our own people. This oflcer was
kotliarevsky who afterwards made а most illustrious
career in those countries and is known and esteemed
by all Persians and by the English, who have been
at the court of the Schah. In 1812 he achieved а
heroic deed in passing the Araxes with а very small
force and completely beating the king of Persia's son
Abbaz-Mirza at Aslandouze. Immediately after he тат-
ched ироп Linkorane оп the shore of the Caspian sea,
and took that fortress by storm, but was himself so
severely wounded by three musket-shots that he has
never .since been able even to mount оп horseback,
and lives in retirement in the government of Ekate-
rinoslaw, where often see him.
beg your pardon for this digression, which origi-
nated not so much from а wish 0f informing уои of
what had the good fortune to do that day for kot-
liarewsky as from the desire 0f saying а word or
two about that meritorious отсег, опе of the brigh-
test ornaments of our army.—The siege 0f Gandja was
protracted тоге than at frst expected. Prince Zizia-
пот hat not yet decided ироп ап assault, and the time
was approaching when general Gouliakow, who сот-
manded оп [he eastern frontiers 0f Georgia against
the Lesghuines, had orders to pass the river Alazany
and to force those mountaineers to Кеер а treaty,
which they had concluded with us six months before,
and which they had already broken.
The prince to give те more opportunity 0f seeing
service proposed to те to join general Gouliakow.
I accordingly left the сатр under Gandja the 20th of