Оп the 13-th we entered our own territory, met а
supply from our fortcess at karakhlis, and оп the 27-th
of the same month arrived at TiRis; every body had
been persuaded in Georgia that prince Zizianof and
his small асту must have been destroyed, and all
those provinces for ever lost to Russia. The moment
our illustrious commander apeared again in health and
spirits оп our territory everything сате back to order,
the disafTected Red to their homes, and some of [he
Tartar chiefs, who had tried to raise their tribes а-
gainst us fled to Persia. А few days after we arrived at
Tiflis, I тау say .in triumph, for though we had not
attained our object in taking Erivan (а conquest since
made by marshal Paskewitch) the sole fact of coming
home safe from such ап extraordinary dangerous ро-
sition was worth тоте than а victory in the opinion
of friends and foes in the whole of that part of Asia,
and for our future prospects in that country.
There remained however [о subdue the moutaine-
ers of the great chain of the Caucasus and to reesta-
blish the communication with the interior of the Ет-
pire which had been interrupted for several months.
Accordingly оп the 19-th of 0ctober we marched
into the principal defile between Mosdok and TiHis; оп
the 22-d the most diflcult passes were carried by as-
sault; the next day we were met by troops coming
from Russia; thus reestablishing the communications,
and soon after every thing was again quiet in that
part of the Caucasus, but the mountaineers of the
North-Western frontier of Georgia were still in а state
of insurrection. Accordingly in November we marched
ioto 0ssetia, made several expeditions during Novem-