I was named brigade-major to this expedition.
We embarked at k.ronstadt оп the 1 lth of Sep-
tember 185 and after encountering опе or two
equinoxial gales, with much damage to some of our
transports, we arrived in the end of the month at Stra-
I accompanied count Tolstoy to а place called Re-
Како Аеаг Chri$tianstadt, where the king of Swe-
den thep was. The enterview with him about busi-
ness relative to the war proved to us, what has
been since generally known, that His Majesty was
mad, or very near so; and оп returning to Straal-
sund we marched through Mecklenbourg into Напо-
ver. The French had evacuated that province some ti-
те before and proceeded to join Napoleon at Ulm,
having only а garrison in the fortress 0f Hamel,
which place we immediately blockaded.
The king 0f Sweden сате ир with his Swedes, and
а British corps d'arm6e under lord Cathcart also arri-
ved by sea to join us. We then made preparations
to enter Holland, when news arrived of the battle 0f
Austerlitz and the infortunate termination 0f the соа-
lition by а separate treaty of реасе signed by Austria.
We accordingly received orders to march home,
and got leave to visit ту father and sister in Еп-
gland, where I remained the whole of the succeeding
summer In September I went back to Peters-
bourgh through Sweden and resumed ту service in
the guards, but war being again decided ироп with
France in support of Prussia, I was again put, toge-
ther with ту former commander count Tolstoy, оп
the staf of feld-marshal count kamensky; and in 0cto-