Conferences being appointed at Tilsit, I was named
with the l-st battalion of Preobrajensky guards to
serve . as а body guard to the Emperor Alexander at
Tilsit in (he midst of the French army. Неге we re-
mained 12 days during negociations. I saw the етре-
ror Napoleon every day and was present at several
revews 0f his guards and the corps of marshal Da-
voust. Реасе being concluded, we marched home
through part 0f Lithuania, Curland and Livonia and
arrived at Petersbourgh about September.
The whole 0f the year 10, I passed at Peters-
bourgh doing duty as colonel in the Guards, the only
year from 183 to 1815 that I passed in реасе.
In 18(Ю I was appointed to the command 0f the
regiment 0f infantry of Narva, then serving against
the Turks, and joined the army under prince Bagra-
tion оп the right bank 0f the Danube; towards the
end of the same year in December, was with ту
regiment under general Zass in his сатр near Ма-
tchine, and in January 1810 we marched to our win-
ter-quarters, those of ту regiment being at Fokschany.
Soon after prince Bagration wus superseded in
his command by general count kamensky, who had
just then gloriously fnished the war with Sweden;
about the end 0f March operations began, and was
ordered to march to the left flank 0f the army under
the command of count Serge kamensky, brother to
our general in chief. We passed the Danube оп the
7-th of April, marched through the province of ВаЬа-
dagh, passed the lines 0f karassou оп the 14-th of
Мау, and оп the 22-d of the same month we took by
assault in the middle 0f the day the town 0f Bazar-