ber was sent with а letter from the Emperor to the
king of Prussia; the battle of Јепа had taken place in
the interval. and found the miserable remains 0f [he
Prussian асту оп the Vistula at Graudenz.
Two days after the French under marshal Lannes
forced us to retreat still farther, and the Russian army
under general Beningsen having entered Prussia. I
went to his head-quarters, where marshal kamensky,
who was named commander in chief of the Russian
and Prussian armies, arrived soon after.
We met the French in the environs of Warsaw,
and after some insignifcant engagements it was ту
good luck to be present at the battle of Pultusk.
This day 14/26 December 1Ю6 we completely re-
pulsed the emperor Napoleon at the head of his best
troops. At the recommendation of general Beningsen
. was made а colonel for ту services оп that day; ап
infortunate accident, the kick of а horse, which almost
broke ту leg, very nearly caused те to be а priso-
ner 0f the French during а Папк mouvement of our
army towards kenigsberg, and prevented те from
being present at the famous battle 0f Preuss-Eylau
оп the 27th 0f January 1807.
After six weeks of t.reatement at Bielostock, I joi-
ned the асту at Heilsberg, and our gards arriving
soon after with the Emperor, I joined ту regiment
of Preobrajensky and was appointed commander of
its battalion. In this situation was present а the
battle of Heylsberg оп the 29th 0f Мау, and оп the
2d of Јипе at the infortunate battle 0f Friedland, after
which we were obliged to retreat to the Nieman and
reenter our own frontiers.