ber and December, restored submisson and tranquility
in the whole chain of the Caucasus, carrying оп war
in the coldest season of the year, and in the middle
of eternal snow with the remains of the brave troops
that had been toiling dnring the whole 0f the summer
under the burning sun 0f the plains (.)f Erivan.
We returned to Tiflis оп the 7-th 0f January о. s.
This was the end of ту service in Georgia and
though it has been ту lot to see а great deal after-
wards, I ha.ve always looked ироп the time, I have
been in Georgia, as the most active and the most in-
teresting as well as the most perilous part 0f ту са-
reer. Before left Tiflis I received for [he campaign
against the Persians and for the battle near Erivan
[he military order of S-t George and was advanced to
the rank of captain in the guards, and for our сат-
pains against Gandja and the Lesghuines the cross of
S-t Wladimir and the sword of S-t Апп.
In March 1Ю5 1 went to Moscow to see ту uncle,
the chancellor, at Andreefsky, where he was living оп
account of ill health and where he died at the end of
that same year. From there I went to Petersbourgh
and resumed ту service as captain in the Preobra-
jensky guards. Soon after war with France was de-
cided ироп, and атопд other preparations, а corps
d'arm6e of about 200 теп was sent by sea under
the orders 0f count Tolstoy [о the shores of Pomera-
nia to serve under [he king of Sweden and to march
into Hanover, which had been occupied by marschall