Loch6e antiquarios 2). emit еит Nicol quidam , sed
поп diu possedit. пат а. 1812 (quo аппо primum edita
est peregrinationum Clarkii part. II sect. 1) iam in 0ar.
Burneii bibliothecam pervenerat, quae paullo post posses-
soris mortem (obiit а. 1817 exeunte) museo Britannico
adiuncta est.
Altera primi folii pagina haec continet eodem atramento
scripta quo recens illa usa est prioris paginae manus:
Les dix orateures ath6niens.
Andocides, orateur ath6nien. Пб vers l'an 468 avant l'6re
chr6tienne, se distingua par son 610quence. il
fut plusieurs fois exi16 de sa patrie, et toujours
rappe116. son style 6tait simple et presque еп-
tierement denu6 de fgures et d' ornemens. il
поив reste de lui quatre discours qui furent ри-
bli6s р: Guillaume 0anterus а BAle 1566 in fol.
Dictionnaire des hommes illustres.
orateur grec Пб chalcis еп syrie, avait 6t6
[adde: disciple] de Lysias, ct fut maitre de de-
mosthbnes ath6nes ой il tenoit ипе 6cole d'6-
21) Censura Literaria, containing titles, abstracts, and opinions of
old english books, with original disquisitions, articles of biography, and
other literary antiquities. Ву Samuel Egerton Brydges, Esq. Vol. VIII
being the fifth of the news series. London .
. 1808. 8-vo. р. 214:
They (the Persian and Arabic manuscripts) were outrivalled as curious от
valuable by а Greek manuscript sold by Messrs. king and Lo-
ch6e, оп April 28. It was the property of R. [sic] Cripps, Esq. а
gentleman whose pursuits, in а tour, obtained а considerable
number of vases and fragments from Мадпа Graecia, of singular curiosity,
with specimens of minerals from Egypt, Germany, etc. and ап extensive
collection of plant8, the whole forming ап assemblage for antiquity, rare-
ness, and value, seldom to be equalled by the possession of ап individual.
The manuscript was in the highest preservation, and the performance of
по ordinary scribe.
It was purchased by Mr. Nicol, of Pall
Ман, at 355 guineas.